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Feinour asks for location of streetlight money

During the Oct. 11 board meeting, Lynn Township Supervisor Steve Feinour mentioned the subject of streetlights in the Heintzelman subdivision.

Evidently, the lights were paid for five years ago and were not installed.

Solicitor Marc Fisher will send a letter to the developer to ascertain the situation.

He was also dissatisfied with the Lehigh County Authority and the promised expansion of the sewage treatment plant.

Feinour suggested pressure be applied to the LCA or to the Department of Environmental Protection or any entity that could influence the project.

The sewage plant is almost at capacity and needs to be expanded to accommodate waiting developments, he said.

Second Assistant Chief Tim VanBlargen reported the Lynnport Fire Company will have its turkey raffle on Nov. 16; booze and adult toy bingo on Nov. 2; and meat and cash bingo on Nov. 4. A hoagie sale is underway with pickup 11:30 a.m. Nov. 7.

VanBlargen said firefighters answered 42 calls as of the supervisors’ meeting date.

New Tripoli Fire Company responded to 157 calls so far this year. Building construction is proceeding slightly behind schedule. However, if the weather cooperates, the one-week loss will be made up within the next few weeks.

The Follweiler subdivision plan was presented to the board for review. One lot will be subdivided from property on Gun Club Road. Scott Dietrich represented the developer and requested planning module approval, which was granted.

Jeanette Weirback asked the board to waive the review process for her project. The major portion of her property to be developed is in Weisenberg Township on Muse Road with only a small portion in Lynn Township. The board agreed to the waiver.

The road crew worked on the dirt roads, cleaned pipes and culverts, got equipment ready for winter, replaced street signs hauled scrap and did cold patching.

Secretary Kathy Hermany asked supervisors what they wanted as a rental fee for the new pavilion at Ontelaunee Park.

Supervisors decided on a fee of $100 as there are no restrooms or a kitchen.

Township Secretary/Treasurer Tammy White will advertise for bids for a CPA to audit the township’s books.

David Najarian’s resignation as township auditor was accepted. There are now two vacancies on the auditors board.

The board reviewed the contracts for the cable franchises and The Sanctuary at Haafsville. Action will be taken at the November meeting.

Roadmaster Bruce Raber introduced the newest member of the township crew, Jarett White, to the board.