District News: Gockley collecting canned food items
Gockley Elementary School students are sharing a treat with their local community food bank. Continuing Oct. 25 and 26, bring in a canned food item.
There is a box at the school office to drop off the items. There will also be a box in the front of the main school entrance for families and friends to drop off any items when they come to watch the parades.
This is a great way for our students to learn the importance of helping and showing kindness to our neighbors and community.
A reminder for Whitehall-Coplay Middle School students: In celebration of Red Ribbon Week, don’t forget to wear camo attire or super hero shirts Oct. 25 for the theme of Stay Strong Against Drugs and to wear sweats and hats Oct. 26 for the theme of Don’t Sweat It - Put a Cap on Drugs.
Gockley Elementary will celebrate Halloween Oct. 26. Morning kindergarten students will begin their parade 10 a.m. from the front of the school. They will walk around the macadam circle in front of the building. Afternoon kindergarten and first-grade students will use the same procedure for the 1:25 p.m. parade.
In the event of rain, the parade will be held in the gym and in the cafeteria. Parents will line up against the cafeteria and gym walls to view the parade of ghosts, goblins and costumed characters.
Zephyr Elementary School’s Autumn Antics will be held next week. Join in the fun!
Oct. 29 - wear red day
Oct. 30 - tie dye day
Oct. 31 - color war between fourth grade (maroon) and fifth grade (gold)
Nov. 1 - dress for success day by wearing your fancy clothes
Nov. 2 - farmer and flannel day by dressing in jeans and flannels
Progress reports are now available for the first marking period, which ends Oct. 31. Parents may access their child’s progress grades through the parent portal. If you are having trouble logging in, contact your child’s school; if you have questions or concerns, contact your child’s teacher.
Communication and keeping up with your child’s progress are key factors to his or her success.
Zephyr Elementary School’s picture retake is set for Nov. 1. Please bring in your packet to return.
There will be no school Nov. 9 due to a professional development day for teachers.
Zephyr’s Color Splash Fun Run will be held Nov. 18 at Whitehall Parkway on Church Street, off MacArthur Road. You can register at secure.getactivefundraising.com/event/2018---Zephyr-Elementary---Whitehall-PA-.
For questions, contact Ashley Koren at korena@whitehallcoplay.org. Pledges can be collected at pledge.getactivefundraising.com/Zephyr18052.
Giant’s A+ Rewards program is underway. Register on Giant’s website, giantfoodstores.com, and enter your reward card number. When you do your grocery shopping, Whitehall-Coplay School District will benefit from the points earned from your purchase.
This program runs through March.
Do you have any school news? This column is a compilation of upcoming school events in the WCSD. Teachers, administrators, parents, students, coaches, PTAs, club advisers and any other community members are invited to share their upcoming activities. Email me at jamb87@hotmail.com with “Whitehall-Coplay School News” in the subject line at least a week before an event.