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School board treated to dinner and a tour at LCTI

The Oct. 10 Northwestern Lehigh School Board meeting was held at Lehigh Career and Technical Institute.

This is an annual event that begins with dinner prepared by the culinary department at LCTI.

Then there was student-led tours of three departments. This year, the tours were in the horticultural department with Kayla Leibensperger leading, plumbing and heating with Noah Reiter, and precision machining with Wesley Shaffer as guide.

NWL Superintendent Jennifer Holman said LCTI is well known around the country.

In other matters, Jill Bachman served 22 years as middle school librarian until her recent notice of retirement. She was presented with a resolution of achievement by Principal Bill Dovico.

“I have met so many professionals,” Bachman said. “They helped create a positive learning experience.

“We have an incredible collection of books. I will have wonderful memories.”

Holman thanked the students for the tours.

Holman also told those at the meeting she had applied to join a group working on a Commonwealth Blueprint for Education.

Her application was accepted. The blueprint will provide a statewide vision for all students and will be a nonpolitical statement.

Todd Leiser, participating electronically, said the traffic light at Northwest Road was out, and the school lights at Katie’s Restaurant were not functioning the morning of Oct. 10.

An agreement was approved with Kutztown University for field study, internships, practicum and student teaching experience.

Electrical and water storage tank bids were rejected. The water tank will be rebid. Roof repairs and an extension of the warranty as listed in the Keystone Purchasing network in the amount of $24,154 were approved.

To be paid from the student activities fund will be a Mobile Ed Production assembly about the Earth Dome for students at the Northwestern Elementary School at a cost of $1,045. It provides a real-life geography lesson, Principal Maria Pullo said.

A Young Audiences Art for Learning for an Artist in Residence program will be paid by a contribution of $4,995 from the Northwestern Lehigh Education Foundation.

The education foundation’s latest fundraiser is selling stadium chairs and umbrellas.

Dovico said the focus at the middle school this year will be kindness. He said actions speak louder than words.

High school Principal Aileen Yadush said there will be an open house Nov. 8 with a dedication ceremony for the renovations at 7:30 p.m.

Press photo by Elsa KerschnerKayla Leibensperger, Noah Reiter and Wesley Shaffer took Northwestern Lehigh School directors on a tour of LCTI before the board meeting.