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In a short meeting Oct. 4, Upper Milford Township Supervisors approved the previous meeting’s minutes, approved the location of a drop box for the Emmaus Public Library, approved checks for payment of debts, appointed a planning commissioner and an emergency services coordinator, announced details of the upcoming Halloween Parade and called it a night.

The supervisors appointed Luke Lichtenwalner to finish out Henry Kradjel’s term as a planning commissioner. Kradjel has retired.

The supervisors also approved the appointment of Jim Krippe as the emergency services coordinator.

Township Manager Bud Carter announced the location of the new drop box for books being returned to the Emmaus Public Library. The box will be located near the front door to the township’s municipal building at 5671 Chestnut St.

At Supervisor Robert Sentner’s urging, the supervisors passed a resolution disavowing liability for the drop box if it is vandalized.

Approved disbursements included two over $10,000: the Emmaus Public Library membership fee for $10,497.50 and Ott Consulting for $38,213.96.

In other meeting business, the annual Vera Cruz Halloween Parade, sponsored by the Vera Cruz Fire Department, was announced. The parade will form 6 p.m. Oct. 17 at the Mystic Chain Park, Main Road East and start 7 p.m.

“If you go to the Vera Cruz Hotel, you should be able to see the parade a couple of times,” Supervisor Daniel Mohr said after trying to explain the parade route.