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Lowhill board discusses bridge repairs

Lowhill Township supervisors discussed necessary bridge repairs for Valley Road and Bear bridges during their Oct. 4 meeting.

Supervisors started the meeting by notifying everyone a budget workshop meeting took place earlier that evening and they will have another one on Nov. 1.

Solicitor Charles Waters said the board should have an ordinance prepared to vacate Winchester Road in November.

The road needs to be vacated temporarily so the township can push back the barriers and allow access to the Game Commission parking lot.

Engineer Ryan Christman said a contractor is expected to start working on Valley Road Bridge repairs.

However, the board will need to budget for these repairs.

Also, supervisors received notice Bear Bridge will need a similar repair, which also will need to be budgeted.

The repairs for Bear Bridge will cost around $17,000. Lowhill will have six months to repair the bridge.

Supervisors would prefer to not spend the money on repairs as that bridge will be demolished in the future. The construction will be a couple of years down the road. Thus, the state is insisting it needs to be repaired before it is demolished in the future.

Also, closing Bear Bridge is not a current option for the supervisors.

Chairman Richard Hughes concluded the topic by stating they will decide how to handle the issue after discussing the options.

Administrator Brian Carl discussed a recent six-township workshop meeting at the Weisenberg Township Municipal Building.

They are looking for transportation funding projects which can range from roads and bridges and can include either state or township projects.

Any suggestions need to be submitted to the Lehigh Valley Planning Commission.

Carl mentioned listing Lowhill’s bridge problems as a potential item to have reviewed.

Roadmaster Joe Kalusky said the road crew finished grass and Tiger mowing, worked on dirt roads and cold patched.

They plan to work on dirt roads, cutting grass and Tiger mowing and preparing for winter.

Supervisors announced hiring Mike Hontz. He will begin working for the township on Oct. 29. Hughes made a motion to hire him and make his start date official. Werley seconded the motion.

Trick-or-Treat Night will be 6-8 p.m. Oct. 27, rain or shine.