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Homecoming activities are planned and students are ready to celebrate.

The homecoming pep rally will be held during eighth and ninth periods Oct. 12 for all students in the football stadium. Students are encouraged to participate in homecoming spirit days.

The homecoming football game will take place in the Emmaus High School stadium 7 p.m. Oct. 12.

The annual homecoming dance will be held at EHS Oct. 13.

National Honor Society will meet 7 a.m. in Café 2 Oct. 10. All members are expected to attend. Meetings for this school year will always be held on the second Wednesday of the month.

Boys and girls swimming and diving sign-ups will be held Oct. 10 through 18 in Room 581.

Boys junior varsity and varsity basketball sign-ups will be held Oct. 18 after school in the sports center lobby.

Junior varsity and varsity wrestling sign- ups will be held 6 p.m. Oct. 25 in the wrestling room.

A Buzz Magazine meeting will be held 2:30 p.m. Oct. 10 in the learning lab. Students interested in writing and/or photography for the magazine must attend.

If you ordered a T-shirt from Habitat for Humanity, go to Room 513 to pick it up. Members of Habitat for Humanity should join the Remind. Text @habitat513 to 81010.

Student order day for class rings is Oct. 12, during all lunches in the cafeteria. Student Services will help with sizing, answering any questions and taking orders. Packets for this can be picked up in the main office.

Lehigh Carbon Technical Institute is offering a tour to any ninth grade student who is currently not attending LCTI but is interested. The tour will be 8:30 to 10 a.m. Nov. 1. Permission slips are required for this tour. See Mrs. Demchak or Mr. McInerney in the counseling office to get your permission slip. Permission slips are due back no later than Oct. 12.

Lehigh County Executive Phillips Armstrong is seeking between two and four students from EHS to serve on the newly created youth advisory council for Lehigh County. Membership on the youth advisory council enables students to take on long-term leadership roles within the community.

In addition, this opportunity will serve as a way for students to offer feedback and suggestions on how local government agencies can better serve the youth constituency and promote their involvement in local government.

The meetings will occur on a monthly basis and involve discussions with local elected officials about critical issues, as well as opportunities for students to serve their community. Students interested must be in good standing at EHS, must be able to participate after school and have their own means of transportation.

The first meeting will be 4 p.m. Oct. 26 in the government center, 17 S. Seventh St., Allentown. This is a preliminary meeting to gauge student interest and provide students the opportunity to engage with local officials. Students in all grades are encouraged to participate.

The Red Cross Blood Drive will be held Oct. 16. Anyone 16 or older is eligible to donate and can sign up to give blood in the cafe.

Girls junior varsity and varsity basketball sign-ups will be held Oct. 18 after school in Room 529.

The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery Military test will be held 7:30 a.m. Oct. 24 in the multimedia room for students in grades 10 to 12. This test also provides great feedback for non-military students and is completely free. Register in the counseling office by Oct. 19.

On Oct. 17, you can help the Buzz Magazine Club by visiting Anthony’s and mentioning you are there for Buzz Magazine. Buzz Magazine will receive 20 percent of all dine-in and carry-out orders, beverages included. You can also follow them on Instagram & Twitter at @ehsbuzzmagazine.

Anyone taking a math, social studies or a creative foods course interested in traveling to Greece and its most popular islands in 2020 should stop by Mrs. Kinzel’s Room 514 or Mrs. Kingsbury’s Room 615. The first parent information meeting is scheduled 7 p.m. Oct. 23 in Cafe 2.

Students interested in a once-in-a-lifetime trip to Japan should stop in Room 523 for more information. The next meeting for the trip will be 6 p.m. Oct. 24.

Mud Club will meet after school every Tuesday in Room 520.