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Heidelberg Township

Township Manager Janice Meyers presented the first draft of the 2019 budget to Heidelberg Township supervisors at the Sept. 20 meeting. It is much like the 2018 budget, she said.

There is a $90,000 surplus some of which will pay off the Tiger mower and go toward the backhoe.

Real estate taxes will be $274,961 with earned income bringing in another $440,000. The state will provide $24,000 in Firemen’s Relief funds. Total revenue is $1,277,436.

Health insurance shows an increase of 8 percent. The fire tax contribution will be $146,090. Ambulance and rescue services expense is $46,100. Highway maintenance is scheduled at $395,843 and winter road maintenance is $56,800.

A loan repayment will need $48,051.

Various insurances will cost $47,500. Total expenditures are $1,122,734 showing a difference between income and expense of $154,702 which is subject to change as the budget is reviewed.

Five fire company members ran in the Heidelberg Church 5K run.

A $250,000 grant is expected to go toward the truck fund.

Chief Jay Scheffler said water flow has been tested at Heidelberg Heights and gravity flow is fine.

Northern Valley had 100 percent coverage of all ambulance calls since the staffing is back to normal. Twenty-four calls were responded to in an average 9.38 minutes each.

Rain at Night in the Country slowed attendance but the fireworks went off on schedule and the commission broke even on the event, said Steve Bachman. It has been held for 18 years and the last two years were the only times there were weather problems.

Kevin Huber swept the ground for firework trash.

Huber, as roadmaster, said the crew is filling some dirt roads. They are still working on placing pipes with one more to place before paving.

Dawn Didra, zoning officer, said engineer Chris Noll would go out to Heidelberg Heights.

There is a complaint of a day care operating without a permit.

The house on Saegersville Road that was in poor condition is down. A permit to demolish another one on Fritzinger Road has been received. A garage on Memorial Road does not have a permit.

Noll said a 13-acre piece of property for sale next to Heidelberg Heights was being considered for purchase but the potential buyer had not realized there was no sewerage.

The Lehigh Valley Planning Commission said it has never seen a plan like the one for the Walking Trail, but said there would be no harm.

Emily Reigel said there has never been a drainage easement for Hunter’s Hill.

“She is easy to work with but didn’t know the alternatives,” said Noll. The drainage should have been in the 25-foot right of way. Noll will provide her with information. She said they could put a drain in her yard as long as she can mow over it.

Bachman said there are earlier maps than the 2013 one she has.

Sidney German and Dillion Turner resigned from the planning commission, both due to changes in work related issues.

Replacements are Donald Billig, who is already an alternate, and Luke Savage.

Janice Monroe mentioned several issues with weeds growing in the Heidelberg Heights area. She said grass and weeds are from 2-1/2 feet to 4 feet tall. Didra said they mow but do not trim. One woman calls the weeds in her front lawn her vegetable garden.

Bachman said Heidelberg does not have a property maintenance code. “Look at farming,” where weeds are often high, he said.

The Lehigh Valley Planning Commission wants action teams with five people from each township to update its comprehensive planning code.

The $33,000 grant for the heating/air conditioning system is $600 over a quote. The project will go out to bid.

Lt. Patrol Section Commander at Troop M, Bethlehem Dennis Long visited to introduce himself and offer assistance if needed. He has been at Bethlehem for only two months.

“If you have any questions, call the barracks,” he said.