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Friendship at core of homecoming

Homecoming Queen Jaymi Smith and King Will Dellicker joined in the annual celebration that gathers friends from all quarters and beckons alumni to return to their alma mater.

“I wasn’t expecting it. I was pretty surprised,” Dellicker said. “I’ll remember all the friends I’ve made, years from now. Northwestern has a lot of amazing people.”

Smith and Dellicker won their crowns after seniors made their selection from the court that included Baylie Alley, Kirstin Dorney, Shante Duminie, Natalie Masetti, Madilyn Riegel, Lilyana Wagner, Alyssa Zack, Hayden Bobbyn, Daniel Burke, Zachary Creighton, Ryan Haas, Nolan Hernandez, Tyler Lobach and Samuel Seyfried.

“At halftime, we had them line up on opposite sides of the field on the away side so they faced the Northwestern crowd,” said senior class adviser Nicole Zimmerman. “As they were announced a bio was read about each member of the court.”

Then the queen and king were revealed, raising spirits even higher.

Most court members expressed surprise at being selected by their fellow students.

“I was very shocked at first. It made me happy to know I was liked and admired by my classmates,” Alley said. “I will remember the moment of being represented and honored as well as sharing it with my friends.”

Seyfried said he was excited to hear the people in his class liked him enough to put him on the court.

“I feel like this homecoming will be a positive memory for many years to come,” Seyfried said. “I’m sure I’ll be happy looking back knowing I made the court.”

Haas was looking forward to the game and attending homecoming with his girlfriend.

“I was shocked I made it,” Haas said.

Homecoming continues to have special significance.

“The school has changed over the years since the alumni who will be at the game graduated,” said Creighton, class vice president. “Homecoming will mean more to me when I come back as an alumnus.”

Zack, who is a senior captain of the cross-country team, said she has many friends who are underclassmen.

“Homecoming is the perfect opportunity to socialize with all of my teammates and other classmates and for the high school body to come together to have a fun night,” Zack said.

Riegel said she was happy and excited to be part of homecoming court.

“I’ll remember walking with my best friend Hayden Bobbyn on homecoming court and going to the dance with my handsome date, Dylan Heckendorn,” Riegel said.

Bobbyn, who wore his football uniform when the court was introduced to the crowd, said he would wear “a black outfit with dark green tie” to the dance.

“Homecoming is a time for friends to get together, let loose, have fun and celebrate,” Bobbyn said.

Assistant Principal Don Allen said the dance is one of those key moments the kids look forward to.

“It’s just a great week, from the spirit days right on through homecoming,” Allen said. “Everybody’s involved.”

Saturday’s dance in the cafeteria was open to the entire school as in the last few years.

The DJ was Smooth Entertainment and light refreshments were available.

“The dance engages everyone,” Allen said. “Last year, that cafe was hopping.”

The dance is an integral part of homecoming weekend and bound to be memorable if not a bit nostalgic.

“I will remember having a great time with my friends for our last hurrah,” Wagner said. “It means a fun time with friends where everyone gets together and enjoys the night.”

“I’m excited to come together with everyone because we have less than one year left at Northwestern,” said Hernandez, class president.

“This is the first group that I’ve seen go through since I started at Northwestern,” said Zimmerman. “It’s incredible to see the process and see how close we’ve become. I’m a little sad but also excited to see where they go from here.”

“This school has traditionally been the center of the community because we don’t have a town center,” said Allen.

“Homecoming provides the opportunity to reconnect with teachers and people in the community they haven’t seen in a while.”

For the class of 2019, homecoming is the first steppingstone leading up to the senior prom at Iron Lakes, followed by graduation.

“This community values tradition and people are very proud of the school,” Allen said.

PRESS PHOTO BY CHUCK HIXSONNorthwestern Lehigh High School 2017 Homecoming Queen Morgan Moss, Alyssa Zach, Lilyana Wagner, Nolan Hernandez, Tyler Lobach, Madilyn Riegel, Northwestern 2018 Homecoming Queen Jaymi Smith and King Willard Dellicker, Hayden Bobbyn, Zack Creighton, Natalie Masetti, Shante Duminie, Ryan Haas, Kirstin Dorney, Daniel Burke, Baylie Alley, Samuel Seyfried, and Northwestern's