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Albany Twp historical society opens Allemaengel Room

Albany Township Historical Society, Kempton, purchased Trexler Grain and Feed Warehouse in 2001.

Since then, there have been many renovations, as time and money permitted.

On Sept. 29, there was an open house to introduce the beautiful rooms to friends and members of the society.

This time, the renovation was a major undertaking with everything all fresh and new.

During the open house, Terri Keefe opened bottles of Stony Run wine and two beers from Saucony Creek to give guests.

A lager and an IPA (India pale ale), were being poured by Kevin Keefe.

Along one side of the room were tables filled with hors d’oeuvres.

There is now a kitchen - important when the historical society serves food at various events.

Peggy Light, librarian, said she started with one shelf and now has two rooms for the library which includes information on Albany Township and surrounding areas.

“We have a lot of information,” she said.

A second floor large loft is a display area for art. There are two views of Trexler Bridge.

One by Anna L’Ecluse was painted in 1950. A newer painting by Jon Bond depicts the bridge on a misty day.

Lauren Flammer said Andy Brett, an historical society member, told her many stories of early Albany Township including the fact that Emmaline Whitman married William Flammer, his great-great-grandfather.

Emmaline had the reputation of being a witch and William was wounded at Antietam while serving with the 15th Pennsylvania.

“Brett knows so many historical stories,” Flammer said.

Lucy Muth said they wanted a community space and, at times, it seemed that day would never come.

She thanked the dedicated members of the board.

Officers, in addition to Muth, are Jon Bond, vice president; Lisa Jeffrey, treasurer; and Christine Amey, secretary.

“They all brought their special skill sets,” she said.

Her husband, Michael, was unable to attend but she said he was always supportive and helped with the project.

Downstairs there was a foundry. It was dirty and dark down there, said Muth. Potatoes were shipped from the mill.

My father, Allen Trexler, would have been so proud of what we did with the mill. He raised the family upstairs. It is dedicated to Albany past, present and future.

She mentioned that the gift shop was open. The fire engine that was displayed in the space which is now the Allemaengel Room was donated to a fire museum in Schuylkill.

The first meeting in the new room will be 7:30 p.m. Nov. 9. The presentation by Greg Huber will be “Community of Historic Barns in Albany Township.”

Peggy Light shows one of the library rooms, completed several years ago, to Roger Jeffery. “The library has always been my project,” she said.