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District News: Food drive planned

Whitehall High School’s Leo Club is currently hosting its annual schoolwide food drive in October. Please donate nonperishable food items to Ms. Paulas’ room, C109, or the main office.


Progress reports are now available for the first marking period, which ends Oct. 31. Parents may access their child’s progress grades through the parent portal. If you are having trouble logging in, contact your child’s school; if you have questions or concerns, contact your child’s teacher.

Communication and keeping up with your child’s progress is a key factor to his or her success.


Zephyr Elementary School’s “pink Fridays,” in support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, are here! “Bee Aware and Show You Care” is the theme. Zephyr Beez students and staff are encouraged to wear pink every Friday in October.

The building has various activities planned during the month. Some friendly competitions are also in the works.

“Pedaling for pink!” cycling miles began Oct. 9. During recess, fourth- and fifth-graders will have the opportunity to donate $1 for a one-minute ride on a stationary bike. Miles between the fourth and fifth grades will be tracked for the competition.

Also, don’t forget about the pink pumpkin decorating contest. Entries are due Oct. 17.


WHS is hosting a financial aid workshop 6:30-8 p.m. Oct. 18 in the high school auditorium. This is a very informative meeting, and parents of juniors and seniors are encouraged to attend.

The presenter will discuss forms of financial assistance for college and how to fill out the FAFSA form.


Red Ribbon Week will be celebrated throughout Whitehall-Coplay School District during the week of Oct. 22. Look for red bows throughout the campus in honor of the week.

This year, the National Red Ribbon Week theme is “Life Is Your Journey - Travel Drug Free!”

Students will be having some special activities. On Oct. 22, WCSD student and staff are encouraged to wear red.

Also, the following events are planned for Whitehall-Coplay Middle School students:

Oct. 23: Lei Off Drugs Day (wear Hawaiian shirts)

Oct. 24: Winners Don’t Do Drugs (wear sports jerseys)

Oct. 25: Stay Strong Against Drugs (wear camo attire or super hero shirts)

Oct. 26: Don’t Sweat It - Put a Cap on Drugs (wear sweats and hats)


The WHS library would like to invite the WCSD community, up to and including third grade, to its read-and-treat night 6-7:30 p.m. Oct. 22. Get dressed up in Halloween costumes, collect candy down “trick or treat trail,” listen to fun and friendly Halloween stories, create Halloween crafts and get silly with our Halloween photo booth.


WCMS’ Ski and Boarders Club is now accepting registrations. You must go on the school website to register by Oct. 31. Visit http://bit.ly/wcmsski2018 for more information.


Zephyr Elementary’s Color Splash Fun Run is coming up Nov. 18! The event will take place at Whitehall Parkway on Church Street, off MacArthur Road. You can join the fun and register at secure.getactivefundraising.com/event/2018---Zephyr-Elementary---Whitehall-PA-.

For questions, contact Ashley Koren at korena@whitehallcoplay.org. Pledges can be collected at pledge.getactivefundraising.com/Zephyr18052.


Do you have any WCSD news? Teachers, administrators, parents, students, coaches, PTAs, club advisers and any other community members are invited to share their upcoming activities. Email me at jamb87@hotmail.com with “Whitehall-Coplay School News” in the subject line at least a week before an event.