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Article By: The Press


2.5 cups flour

1/2 lb. butter, softened (Weis brand, grade AA, made in Sunbury)

Dash of salt

1 package rapid rise yeast

1/2 cup light cream

2 eggs (PA Preferred, Weis brand, grade A large, produced in Sunbury,)

In a large bowl mix up softened butter with a wooden spoon. Add flour. Sprinkle salt and yeast on top of the four and mix together. Mix flour mixture into the butter until it is well incorporated. Add cream and beaten eggs. Keep mixing with a wooden spoon until it begins to come together. Then use your hands and mix until your hands come clean. Wrap dough in wax paper and refrigerate overnight.

Next morning roll dough into balls about the size of a walnut and refrigerate. Take out a dozen balls at a time, roll out, fill, roll in sugar and place on parchment lined baking sheet. Bake at 350 about 12 minutes. Check bottoms to be sure they are golden brown. Remove to cooling racks.

Makes approximately 4 dozen.