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Nestle donates for trail

Eric Andreus, resource manager for Nestle Pure Water, attended the Sept. 26 meeting of the Northwestern Recreation Commission bearing gifts.

He presented another $2,500 to the commission to be used on the walking trail.

This brings the Nestle donations to $25,000.

“We’re glad to help,” Andreus said.

Andreus said if the walking trail is dropped due to expense being much more than expected the money can be put to another use.

President Justin Smith got a lower bid of $132,000. The commission said it has $80,000 to go to the trail. However, there will be other expenses for items such as moving trees.

Generically, he expects the $132,000 would total $140,000.

Smith is expecting another bid to be presented.

Under discussion is having the townships do some of the work which would bring the price down. The matter will be taken up with the individual townships.

“There are things the townships will not want to do,” said Smith

Andreus asked if the cost could be kept down but Smith said then the project would have to be re-engineered.

Jim Hughes said while the kids play sports the adults like to get their exercise walking. Andreus had said Nestle likes to donate to things from which the community benefits, as this would. He said he can make another donation next year.

The prevailing wage is what pushed prices so far above expected.

The commission has been watching for land to buy but that is no longer as problematical plus there are extra fields in Weisenberg.

Discussion concerning how much money should be kept on hand arrived at a $30,000 to $35,000 which leaves some free to be spent as needed.

Night in the Country will be held Aug. 17, 2019, said Kathy Hermany, committee chair. This year expenses were $800 higher due to having to rent lights.

The weather caused fewer people to attend. It is only the second year the weather cut down on attendance in 18 years.

Activities and donations were both up this year. Fireworks seemed to be more expensive but Hermany checked and they were right.

“You did a great job,” Smith told her.

Hughes said the only problem with field maintenance has been wet weather.

Frank Chukoskie said the Northwestern Youth Athletic Association would be collecting sports equipment at Weisenberg School on Oct. 2 and at the Weisenberg recreation fields’ concession stand Oct. 11.

In November, the collected items will be offered at a garage sale.