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The Salisbury Township School District Board of Directors met Sept. 19 for its regular meeting, holding an executive session on personnel issues prior to the meeting.

Directors Carol Klinger and Samuel DeFrank were not in attendance.

Austin Sell and Jacob Watson provided an update on Harry S Truman Elementary School happenings and Colby Townley provided an update on Western Salisbury Elementary School happenings.

The HST PTO will host a volunteer clearance night 5 to 7 p.m. Oct. 1 at the school.

Mia Bernard and Carlee Ziegenfuss provided an update on Salisbury Middle School happenings. Both are co-presidents of student council. The school just held their major fundraiser campaign earning $2,000 in two weeks. A pep rally will be held Oct. 15 and spirit week is being planned.

Peyton Stauffer and Taliah Martinez provided an update on Salisbury High School happenings.

In other business, Wayne P. Covely, retiring assistant to the director of facilities at the administration building and an employee of the district for 33 years, was honored for his service at the Sept. 19 meeting.

The board approved the purchase of accounting software from Forecast5 Analytics, Inc. at a prorated cost of $9,750 for 2018-2019 and $13,000 for the 2019-2020 school year.

Salisbury Youth Association football was approved to use the stadium (without lights) at SHS 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Oct. 14 for a home game.

Walt Whitman High School was approved to use the stadium (with lights) and designated grounds at SHS 2 to 7 p.m. Nov. 3 for national marching band competition practice.

Salisbury twirlers were approved to use SHS 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Jan. 26, 2019 and April 13, 2019 to host a competition.

In personnel news, the board accepted the resignation, due to retirement, of Janet Smith as a full-time PIMS/ACCESS coordinator at the administration building effective Jan. 1, 2019.

Ashley Cote resigned as a part-time 7.25 hours a day nurse assistant at SHS effective Sept. 12.

Natasha Charles resigned as a part-time 3 hours a day cafeteria worker at SHS effective Oct. 5.

Jenny Hur was approved as a full-time fourth grade teacher at WSE effective Aug. 21. Hur was previously a 3.7 hours a day part-time teacher at HST.

Otilia Rivera was approved as a 4 hours a day part-time one-to-one instructional assistant at WSE effective Aug. 22.

Kristen Corcoran was approved as a 4 hours a day part-time one-to-one instructional assistant at WSE effective Aug. 27 pending completion of requirements.

Diane Walbert was approved for a building transfer from a part-time 4.5 hours a day one-to-one instructional assistant at SMS to a part-time 4.5 hours a day one-to-one instructional assistant at WSE effective Sept. 10.

Ashley Hooks was approved for a building transfer from a part-time 4 hours a day one-to-one instructional assistant at WSE to a part-time 4 hours a day one-to-one instructional assistant at SMS effective Sept. 10.

The board approved the title change of Lynn Fuini-Hetten from assistant superintendent of teaching and learning to associate superintendent effective July 1.

Jennifer Sheeto was approved as the chorus advisor at HST for the 2018-2019 school year.

Jack Repyneck was approved as a game worker for the 2018-2019 school term. Repyneck was also approved as a volunteer middle school football coach.

Stephen Lash was approved as a volunteer middle school football coach.

Shaun Lally was approved as a volunteer wrestling coach for the 2018-2019 school year.

Regarding the updating of policies, the board approved Policy 2A.8 - Immunization and Communicable Diseases and Policy 2E.7 - Residency and Eligibility of Non-Resident Students.

In the Carbon Lehigh Intermediate Unit report, Directory Mary Ziegler announced a new program will have a candidate pool for temporary positions available to participating districts. Positions such as project managers, payroll specialists and business managers will be offered to the districts if needed. These are contracted positions.

In the superintendent’s report, Dr. Randy Ziegenfuss announced WSE students would be returning to the school Sept. 24. Ziegenfuss thanked the parents, teachers, principals and building personnel for their support. He said they are starting the conversations on a long-term fix to the problem.

During citizens comments, former school board member Alan R. DeBona (1999-2003) addressed the board.

Alan DeBona said he realizes the number of decisions the board has to make and those decisions are made in committee meetings. He said when he was a board member, he represented students, parents, residents, teachers, support staff and administrators. He said in order to make the best decisions, it was advantageous to get opinions from all groups involved.

Alan DeBona asked what the board’s stance was in allowing participation in committee meetings. He was told the committee meetings are open to the public and all are invited.

Following that answer, Alan DeBona said, “I believe the board is sending mixed signals.”

He said a number of teachers attended the Sept. 10 operations committee meeting to express their dismay over the persisting mold issues at the school. WSE teacher and union secretary Kathy DeBona, Alan DeBona’s wife, addressed the board with the teachers’ concerns.

Following that meeting, Alan DeBona said, “A board member contacted the union regarding their dismay about the teachers attending the meeting. In my mind, this is unacceptable behavior,” Alan DeBona said.

“I would recommend you get to the bottom of the mixed messages sent,” Alan DeBona said. He suggested the board decide how they want teachers to participate in meetings.

Wayne Covely is honored at the Sept. 19 Salisbury Township School District Board of Directors meeting for his 33 years of service. Standing with Wayne is Salisbury Director of Facilities, Safety and Security William Brackett.PRESS PHOTO BY DEBBIE GALBRAITH