District News: Forms, releases are due Sept. 28
Be sure to return signed agenda forms for Zephyr Elementary School students. The field trip, photograph release and shirt order forms are also due tomorrow, Sept. 28.
Parents must also return the signed sheet for the district’s attendance policy.
Reminder: Whitehall-Coplay Middle School will hold its meet-the-teacher night 6-8 p.m. tonight, Sept. 27. This is a great opportunity to start the school year by meeting your child’s teacher(s) and touring his or her school.
There will be no school Oct. 8. A professional development day for teachers is planned. Mark your calendar!
Whitehall-Coplay School District is currently hiring bus drivers. If you are interested in this opportunity, visit the transportation department online at whitehallcoplay.org/domain/67 for application and requirements.
You may also contact the department by calling 610-437-4780, faxing 610-820-5038 or visiting 2640 Campus Drive, Whitehall.
WCMS’ Ski and Boarders Club is accepting registrations. Visit bit.ly/wcmsski2018 to register by Oct. 31.
Zephyr Elementary is offering tutoring suggestions. If you are interested in tutoring for your child, contact Mrs. Brittany Rabe at 610-871-3671, ext. 1572.
Schedules and fees will be negotiated with the tutor.
Both Steckel Elementary School and Gockley Elementary School are going electronic with their monthly newsletters in an effort to be eco-friendly and save paper. The newsletter will be emailed to the address you provided on your online student update system information or to the teacher.
You may also access newsletters on the school website, whitehallcoplay.org; follow the link to your school.
Whitehall High School students are reminded that when going on a college visit or a vacation, you must pick up an educational trip form at the attendance office. This form must be filled out by your parent/guardian before the college visit or trip.
Return the form to the attendance office for approval by the administration.
Please make sure your child wears socks and sneakers on the days he/she has gym class. Wearing proper footwear ensures full participation and safety in gym class, and it also allows your child to play safely during outside activities and recess.
The district does not want your child to miss out on any activities due to unsafe or improper footwear.
Visit the WCSD website to stay in contact with your child’s school and upcoming activities. There are many school links that are very helpful for parents and students.
Do you have any school news? This column is a compilation of upcoming school events in the WCSD. Teachers, administrators, parents, students, coaches, PTAs, club advisers and any other community members are invited to share their upcoming activities. Email me at jamb87@hotmail.com with “Whitehall-Coplay School News” in the subject line at least a week before an event.