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Issues from rain in Lowhill

Lowhill supervisors discussed several ongoing and new issues at their Sept. 6 board meeting.

Topics included repairs to Valley Road bridge, and repairs needed due to severe rain and storms throughout August.

The board reviewed the minor subdivision preliminary plan for Dean and Diane Schaller at 3716 Pine Tree Road.

Chairman Richard Hughes made a motion to accept the preliminary plan for review. Supervisor Robb Werley seconded it.

Hughes mentioned the planning commission said the Schallers must apply for a family, shared driveway waiver.

Schaller said their intentions changed since the planning commission meeting.

At that time, they had two proposed lots, which would be sectioned off in two different years.

The Schallers have revised the plan for one lot for the proposed driveway.

The land is currently recorded as a non-building lot, but when they start building, they would have to adjust it to be a building lot.

They must first receive the family, shared driveway waiver, so Werley made a motion to approve that and board Vice Chairman Buddy Wessner seconded it.

Engineer Ryan Christman then provided his engineering report on the Valley Road bridge repair.

The bridge is currently a one-lane bridge and signs are posted about its status until repairs are complete, sometime later this year. A couple of weeks will be needed to acquire the necessary permit for the work.

Christman said no special requirements should be necessary to receive the permit.

Wessner made a motion to accept the low bid to complete the repairs. Hughes seconded it.

Hughes read over the administrator comments in Brian Carl’s absence.

One topic of discussion was the situation with water drainage through Jim Kuhns driveway along Farrier Road.

Kuhns is usually available to clean up the drainage problems before they become an issue but due to consecutive heavy rainstorms he did not have the time to clear the runoff, so the water flowed toward the road near his mailbox.

Kuhns said he will have a contractor assist in the cleanup project. After completion, the runoff will still be an issue but the problem from this year’s heavy rains will be corrected.

Roadmaster Joe Kalusky provided updates for supervisors. He said road crews performed 22 days of maintenance and damage repair from the heavy rain.

In August, his crew worked on grass and Tiger mowing, too. This month, they will continue mowing and work on some dirt road maintenance and repairs.

The board also accepted the multi-municipal salt bid. The lowest bid was with Eastern Salt Company at $59 per ton. Hughes made a motion to accept the bid and Wessner seconded it.

Supervisors also reported explained the township had received a complaint from a resident who noticed yellow line paint splashed on her truck while the township was line painting.

After the township completed an investigation they noticed she had driven over the center yellow line, causing the paint to get on her truck.

The state does not pay for these paint incidents and neither does insurance companies.

Supervisors agreed they should not have to pay for the repairs.