On Sept. 12 Alburtis Borough Council reviewed and passed a motion adopting Ordinance 548 establishing regulations for the use of fireworks in the borough.
The ordinance includes time restrictions “prohibiting the use of consumer fireworks on any day before 10 a.m. or after 10 p.m., provisions establishing that the borough does not permit the use of consumer fireworks on or from property owned, leased or controlled by the borough, provisions relating to permits for display fireworks and establishing penalties for violations.”
Gary DeRoner of Franklin Street advised council he saw people smoking on the borough-owned parking lot. When finished, the smokers threw their cigarette buts on the lot. There are no “No Smoking” signs.
Trexler will check the surveillance video recordings to see if the smokers can be identified.
As recommended by Borough Engineer Jeff Ott of Ott Consulting, council passed a motion to pay Zgura Concrete Services, Inc. $30,375 for work done at the Walnut Street Multi-Modal Project. Zgura’s bill was for $33,750; however, 10 percent is being withheld until the project is completed.
After reviewing the monthly progress report of projects being worked on in the borough from Ott Consulting, council passed a motion to accept their report.
In other meeting news, council passed a motion to purchase snowblowers needed by maintenance crews.
Councilperson Steve Kaufman advised council the work to be done in the Lockridge development will be a very big project and he suggested it be broken into two projects. He recommended the plan be put in the budget in 2019 and the work be done in 2020 at the new section of East Second Street and Lockridge Lane.
Council briefly discussed what must be done including streets, sidewalks and mailboxes from Lockridge to Second and East Second Street and from the park on. The council members agreed engineering fees must be included in the 2019 budget.
Trexler received two bids for tree removal at Lockridge church. One bid is for $1,025 and another bid is for $2,500. Trexler is awaiting a third bid. Council passed a motion to accept the lowest bid received.
Council passed a motion to use a flag crew on Front Street for 10 hours at a cost of $1,007.
There was a stormwater washout at Penn and Church streets and it cost $40,000 to fix damage to the swale. Council is considering an MS4 Stormwater fee be added onto the quarterly water bills. Council is also considering eliminating the per capita tax.
Following review of the Alburtis Police Department report, council passed a motion approving the meeting minutes of Aug. 29. Council passed a motion approving the bills of Sept. 12 for payment and passed a motion accepting Chris A. DeFrain, fiscal consultant’s report for August.
Council was adjourned at 7:55 p.m. and immediately went into an executive session to discuss a personnel matter. No action was to be taken.