Hokendauqua: Golf to benefit Hokey Firehall
The second annual golf benefit for Hokey Firehall will be Sept. 22, starting 8 a.m.
Come to Whitetail Golf Club, 2679 Klein Road, Bath, to enjoy a four-player golf scramble with refreshments, contests, prizes and a catered buffet-style dinner.
More prizes and a raffle will be held immediately after the golf event at Hokey Firehall on Second Street.
For more information, to sign up your team and to offer a sponsorship or donation, contact the fire hall at 610-264-3292, Jeff Gerhard at 610-751-1492 or Jimmy Greene at 610-703-4479.
St. John’s United Church of Christ, Mickleys, 2918 MacArthur Road, will have a carwash and bake sale 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Sept. 22 in the parking lot. All proceeds will support the church.
Hokendauqua Park and Playground Association will have girls and boys basketball registration 6-8 p.m. Sept. 28 and 2-4 p.m. Oct. 6 at Hokendauqua Fire Company, 3022 S. Second St.
Online registration runs now until Oct. 6 at hokeypark.com.
For more information, email Martin Donohue at basketballcommissioner@hokeypark.com; for registration forms, visit the website.
First Presbyterian Church of Hokendauqua, 3005 Front St., began the new season of Sunday school Sept. 16. Classes are held 9-9:45 a.m. every other Sunday. The next class will be Sept. 30.
Children ages 3 and up are welcome to attend. Each class involves a Bible story, craft, game and snacks.
All teachers have both Pennsylvania criminal and child abuse clearances.
Families do not have to be members of the church to register their children.
Call the church office at 610-264-9693 or email hokeypres@gmail.com for more information and to register. Visit the church’s Facebook page at First Presbyterian Church of Hokendauqua to stay updated on Sunday school and other events.
There will be Whitehall-Coplay Hunger Initiative community meals at the following Hokendauqua churches.
• First Presbyterian Church of Hokendauqua, 3005 S. Front St., Oct. 16
• Whitehall Bible Fellowship Church, 3300 Seventh St., Nov. 20
The free meals are guaranteed for the first 100 guests and will be served 4-6 p.m.
For more information, call Judy at 610-767-5061.
St. John’s UCC will host a gift card bingo Oct. 19. Doors open 5 p.m., and games start 6 p.m.
Refreshments will be served and are included with the cost of a ticket, which are $5 cheaper when purchased in advance. There will be 20 games of bingo, plus specials and door prizes.
Proceeds from the event go toward the church.
For more information, cost and tickets, contact Lynette at 610-509-9654 or Sharon at 610-417-2010.
A tour of the historic Thomas Iron Works area is scheduled for 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Oct. 27.
There will be a “guided tour of the neighborhood highlighting the historic significance of the community surrounding the former Iron Works,” according to the fall 2018 township newsletter.
The preservation group will try to provide the tour by bus, but those details have not yet been finalized. Walking shoes and cameras are suggested. Tour groups will be limited to 10-12 people.
For more information and to reserve your spot, which is recommended, contact Jeff Dutt at jdutt@lccc.edu or 484-951-6719 or Howard Lieberman at howard@bcfsol.com or 484-661-7794. Provide your name, the number in your party and a contact at which you can be reached.
Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church, 3355 MacArthur Road, will have a cash bingo 2 p.m. Oct. 28. The kitchen opens noon for refreshments.
There will be 20 games; tickets, which are $5 cheaper in advance, go on sale starting Oct. 1. There will also be specials, a 50/50, pull-tabs, door prizes and a raffle.
If you come in costume, your name will be entered into a special drawing.
For more information, see Joanne Gantz-Jalowiecki or Dan Herzog during the church services.
Does your church, club or organization have news for the Hokendauqua column? Send an email to skoch@tnonline.com by Sept. 28 to meet the next deadline.