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On Sept. 4 The Swain School dedicated its new “Field of Dreams” project, in the large expanse in front of the school campus, along South 24th Street, Salisbury Township.

The project includes a playing field, amphitheater and an environmental classroom. The field, named Werner Field, in honor of longtime Swain Director of Athletics Maggie Werner who was an early student at the school, a student parent, then an employee. Werner currently serves as the school’s director of strategic initiatives.

The field will serve as a playing space for younger Swain students and provide the opportunity to serve the school’s developmental teams.

The Ella Kovats-Bernat Amphitheatre will provide a space for classes and for community gatherings to watch performances or hear speakers. The amphitheater is named as a memorial to Ella Kovats-Bernat, a Swain fifth grade student who died unexpectedly in 2014. Contributions were made in her honor by family, friends and her fellow classmates in the Class of 2018.

The Barbara Schuster Memorial Learning Garden will be an environmental classroom filled with unique and beneficial plantings that will allow students to explore and study the local ecosystem. It will also serve a sustainability purpose, as well as provide a verdant entrance to the school campus.

The garden memorializes Barbara Schuster, the grandmother of Swain student Max Schuster. The garden was named in honor of Barbara Schuster by her husband, Gary Schuster, because of her love of children and of gardening.

PRESS PHOTO BY JIM MARSHThe Swain School dedicates its new Field of Dreams Sept. 4. The new field along the front of the school's South 24th Street campus, in Salisbury Township, was constructed over the summer.