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Six municipalities to share comp plan costs

Washington Township supervisors have signed a resolution agreeing to submit an application to the Department of Community and Economic Development for a grant to renew the Northern Region of Lehigh County Comprehensive Plan.

The group includes Slatington borough, and Heidelberg, Weisenberg, Lynn, Lowhill and Washington townships.

Each municipality agrees to jointly contribute to the $61,860 matching grant and agrees to contribute needed resources to update the plan.

In other matters, four per capita tax exonerations were approved at the board’s Sept. 4 meeting.

Two were for college students. The other two were members of the military.

Resident Ed Ziegler repeated last month’s request that Chad Christman, who cleaned the veterans’ memorial at Emerald Fire Company, be sent a thank you from supervisors.

Ziegler also said he saw about 20 people on the rail trail who left the area garbage covered.

He said he called state police but nothing apparently was done.