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At the Sept. 4 Macungie Borough Council meeting, Emmaus Library Trustee Barbara Levinson spoke about construction at the Emmaus Public Library.

The construction progress is on time. There was a $25,000 donation received anonymously which was matched. Further donations are still being sought for inside furnishings.

There will be a drop box for library materials at Macungie Borough Hall in the near future.

The summer reading program went very well.

Levinson also told council members Amy Resh, the Emmaus Public Library director, is resigning.

Zoning Ordinance 2018-3, which is an amendment for home operations, was on the agenda for approval. This ordinance is for businesses such as barbers, beauty shops and any business with minimal activity. There is an original ordinance; this amendment clarifies it. This amendment makes it easier for the general public to understand. The ordinance was approved.

The mail delivery problem on Village Walk is still being investigated. Parking restrictions are being considered.

The bill list was approved with an explanation about an invoice for a tree. The borough is purchasing a sample street tree to determine its feasibility.

In analyzing the budget, it was mentioned 68 percent for income is fair for now. General fund expenditures are at 63 percent.

Macungie Fire Department updated council regarding certificates. Training also was discussed. Some of the Macungie Fire Department training occurs at a training facility in Emmaus.

In other meeting news, Lehigh County is said to be evaluating address issues in the county. This is for 911 emergency calling. It is imperative residents’ addresses be located easily throughout the county.

Michael and Laura McCready, administrators at Kalmbach Park announced their retirement. The couple is relocating to Punta Gorda, Fla. Kalmbach Park’s trustees are in the process of seeking a new couple to take responsibility for the park operations.

Macungie Borough Manager Chris Boehm continues to monitor the health and welfare plan, utilizing Governmental Accounting Standards Board principles.

The borough is continuing to check on the availability of funds from the Local Share Account Grant Project, formerly known as the casino grant.

Grant money is being sought for the pedestrian bridge in Kalmbach Park. There is presently a stop sign at the bridge to aid in the lack of a safe pedestrian pathway across the bridge. Council members approved seeking the money.

The sewer lateral videos are being viewed. As the videos are being utilized, input is being attained from these videos. Such videos are commonly used to inspect drains and sewers.