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‘Night’ continues despite brief rain showers

Night in the Country Chair Kathy Hermany gave her preliminary report to the Northwestern Recreation Commission on Aug. 29.

Although there was a shower at 5:30 p.m. and a second one about 6:30 p.m., neither were enough to stop the vendors and fireworks. Many foods were available and there were games and a cow for cow flop bingo.

People walked around with plastic baseball bats won as prizes. Kids rode bulls and people took a chance on where Carrot the cow would choose the winner for the bingo.

Recreation Commission President Justin Smith said Hermany did a good job as usual, that she makes the right decisions.

Hermany said the new security people were good to work with.

Last year, when the fireworks debris were cleaned up, the refuse was put in the trash.

“But we got flak for it,” said Frank Chukoskie of the Northwestern Youth Athletic Association. “Waste Management thought it was concrete waste. I talked to them and we are good for next year.”

Jim Hughes, maintenance, said it would be nice if they could find a street sweeper to clean at least the lower parking lot.

Two kids who damaged the lower playing fields paid their share of the restitution. One of the older two men denied causing damage and the second man is in jail. The recreation commission is closing the issue. As the information received did not lead to arrest and conviction, the $500 reward was considered not payable. However, it was decided to give the person $250.

Smith is pursuing two contacts to obtain a better price for the walking trail. One has returned a price. The second has not responded.

“We have $80,000 available,” Smith said. Most is a $60,000 grant. Some is money donated by Nestle Waters.

Though the original plan was shorter, reducing the length now would require reengineering the job. He said it won’t be done this year, which was what was originally planned.

Recreation Commission member Todd Hernandez asked if the commission needed as much as it has for the rainy day fund.

Steve Bachman, representing Heidelberg Township, said he knows of 13 acres of level land that could be coming up for sale.

Money has been kept on hand for the possibility of buying more property, Smith said.

Notice was received from Solicitor Keith Strohl of the law firm of Steckel and Stopp, Slatington, that higher rates will be charged.