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Northampton: It’s a busy weekend in the borough!

Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church, 1904 Main St., will have its annual basket social and flea market 8 a.m.-8 p.m. Sept. 7 and 8 a.m.-3 p.m. Sept. 8.

There will be more than 350 items to take a chance on, and the drawing will be 3:30 p.m. Sept. 8. You do not need to be present to win.

The kitchen will be open both days for refreshments.

Call Florence Edelman with any questions at 610-262-4842 or 610-462-4261.


The annual Uptown Street Fair in Northampton is set for Sept. 8.

The free event, sponsored by the Northampton Area Chamber of Commerce, runs 10 a.m.-5 p.m. and is held on Main Street.

The fair will feature activities for children, live music, demonstrations, Roxy Theater tours and more.

There will be food as well as 100-plus craft and merchant vendors.


Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church will hold its annual picnic Sept. 9 at Egypt Memorial Park, 4548 Main St., Egypt.

The picnic will begin with an 11 a.m. outdoor Mass.

A deejay will entertain noon-3 p.m. The Large Flowerheads will take the stage 4-7 p.m.

Other highlights of the event, which will run until 7 p.m., include children’s games, basket raffle, games of chance, ethnic foods and baked goods.


Atlas Cement Company Memorial Museum, 1401 Laubach Ave., will be open 1-3 p.m. Sept. 9.

It is open to the public the second and fourth Sundays of the month through September. Tours are available by appointment only starting in October.


Northampton AARP Chapter 3915 will meet Sept. 12 at Northampton Banquet & Event Center, 1601 Laubach Ave.

Doors open 11 a.m.

Music and refreshments will be provided.

Those interested in trip information should call Sharon at 610-262-9182.


St. John’s Friendly Fifties will hold its 27th anniversary meeting 1 p.m. Sept. 10 in the church’s social hall, 1343 Newport Ave.

The rosary will be prayed in church starting 11:30 a.m. A luncheon will follow.


Don’t forget to pick up your mums at Northampton Area Historical Society’s annual mum sale 8-11 a.m. Sept. 29, held at the Siegfried Railroad Station.

The mums are in 9-inch pots and come in a variety of colors.

The deadline to order was Sept. 1. Call 610-767-8420 for any additional questions.


Halloween Wheels on the Canal will be held 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Oct. 27 at Canal Street Park.

Rain date is Nov. 3.

The car show is open to all vehicles. Event organizers are seeking independent sales vendors, craft vendors and food vendors to participate.

There is a registration fee.

All vendors must be preregistered.

Vehicles can either preregister or register at the event. Registration begins 8 a.m.

Other highlights of the day include a basket raffle, deejay and a toy collection to benefit Toys for Tots.

This is a not-for-profit event with all proceeds going to help veterans. All proceeds will be split between Mission 22 and Blue Star Mothers of America, Lehigh Valley Chapter No. 201.

For more information, email HalloweenWheelsOnTheCanal@gmail.com; call 610-440-2407; of visit the group’s Facebook page, Halloween Wheels on the Canal.


Send in your news! Email the information to tklutter@ptd.net, and I’ll include it in an upcoming column.