Coplay: Rally day is Sept. 9
St. John’s Lutheran Church, 18 S. Third St., will hold its annual rally day Sept. 9 at the morning worship.
There will be a hot dog social.
Sunday school teachers and staff will also be installed.
Coplay Saengerbund celebrates its Austrian heritage 3:30-6:30 p.m. Sept. 9 with the traditional Oktoberfest in the lower-level ballroom, 205 S. Fifth St.
Josef Kroboth Band will provide the polka and ethnic sounds. The Schuhplattler Dancers will entertain.
The event is open to the public.
Exchange Club Foundation of Western Lehigh is sponsoring the 11th annual Lehigh Valley Sporting Clays fundraiser for the prevention of child abuse.
Held rain or shine Sept. 14 at 2750 Limestone St., the event includes clays, shells, food, prizes and awards.
The day begins 8 a.m. with registration and breakfast. There is a cost.
Visit or contact Bob Leh at 610-395-4855 for more information, cost and registration.
Commitment to Family and Community (CFC) is returning with its monthly all-you-can-eat breakfasts.
The first breakfast will be Sept. 16 at the CFC hall, 165 Cherry St., beginning 8 a.m.
Social Call will perform 6:15-8:30 p.m. Sept. 22 at the Community Plaza gazebo, Second and Chestnut streets.
A reminder for those planning to attend: Bring along lawn chairs and blankets for an entertaining evening.
Coplay Fire Department is holding its annual fund drive, a September project that asks residents to mail their donations to the department’s fire station on Cherry Street.
The volunteer fire department says the donations will go toward equipment purchases.