At the Aug. 29 Alburtis Borough Council meeting, council members discussed a request for an additional donation for the Lower Macungie Public Library toward its campaign to raise $350,000 to update the interior of the library. A motion was passed to try to include a $3,000 donation to the library in next year’s budget.
The Lehigh County Department of Administration Office of Veterans Affairs requested from the borough a “grant to house and assist homeless veterans and their families in the Lehigh Valley.” Council President Ron DeIaco suggested this be discussed at budget time. Solicitor David Knerr said this should be directed to Congress not municipalities.
Macungie Ambulance Corps sent the borough a copy of their year-end financial report for 2017 and proposed budget for 2019 and requested the borough’s support for 2019. Council said this will be included in the borough’s budget.
There was a brief discussion about the historical society insurance at the request of Alburtis Historical Society President Kevin Shoemaker. DeIaco would like to include the historical society in the borough’s insurance because the borough owns the Lock Ridge Church where they meet. Councilperson Sherryann Oels suggested checking with the insurance company first.
A motion was passed to include the Alburtis Lock Ridge Historical Church in the budget every year. Borough Manager Sharon Trexler will check with the insurance company about adding the church to the borough’s insurance as Shoemaker requested.
Council reviewed a letter from Borough Engineer Jeffrey Ott, of Ott Consulting, Inc., to Jaindl Land Co. outlining several sanitary storm sewer items which need to be fixed or changed and verified at the Hills at Lock Ridge West subdivision. Trexler advised council Jaindl would like the borough to take over the roads. DeIaco said there are too many items which need to be addressed and everything must be the way it should be before it is taken over.
Project meeting notes, prepared by Ott dated Aug. 2 reporting the progress on 12 projects Ott Consulting is overseeing in the borough, was reviewed by council.
A letter from the Pennsylvania Department of Auditor General regarding Act 205 of 1984, Notice of 2018 Distress Determination, was reviewed. Based on the borough’s total distress score, the borough has been assigned to Level 1 of the recovery program. Knerr advised council nothing has to be done when assigned to Level 1.
Lehigh County Executive Phillips M. Armstrong has notified Alburtis Borough the county will be asking for the assistance when upgrading the 911 system to geospatial technology.
Council passed a motion to upgrade the security system from a landline costing $255 per month to Security Service Company costing $120 per month, after the installation of radios at a cost of $1,500.
Creek Properties, LLC and Paul J. Jr. and Barbara Ann Siegfried’s plan for 109 and 113 N. Main St. was approved by the planning commission for a boundary line adjustment. Council passed a motion adopting Resolution No. 2018-14, granting conditional preliminary and final plan approval to the boundary line adjustment plan. Bryan Bollinger was present, speaking on behalf of Creek Properties, LLC.
Council reviewed a letter from 811 Pennsylvania One Call System, Inc. requesting a resolution regarding the use of POCS information. A resolution will be on the next agenda.
A request for a “Children at Play” sign at Seip Road was received. It was also said one of the signs says Funrace Street instead of Furnace Street. Since the sign is in Lower Macungie Township, Trexler will investigate.
Council passed a motion approving the minutes of Aug. 18.
A motion was passed approving payment of Bill No. 19763 for the fall umpire fees 2018 to the Alburtis Area Community Center with Councilperson Sherryann Oels abstaining from voting.
Council also passed a motion approving the balance of the bills for payment Aug. 29.
A motion was passed accepting Chris A. DeFrain’s fiscal consultant’s report for July.