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The Aug. 21 workshop meeting of the Lower Macungie Township Planning Commission began with a discussion of Hamilton Crossings.

It was questioned whether Hamilton Crossings should remain in the Wescosville village district or if it should be in the highway commercial district. Planners wondered if shopping centers should be allowed in the Wescosville village district.

“We can be somewhat creative when we are drawing the zoning district lines,” Commission Chair Maury Robert said.

There was also a discussion about the highway industrial zone. A plan was suggested to shrink the highway industrial zone to the few existing industrial buildings in the zone and changing the nearby undeveloped site to the highway commercial zone.

There was a suggestion to put apartment buildings in the undeveloped property. The industrial properties in the area would remain highway industrial and the rest of the area would become highway commercial.

A point was made the asphalt plant currently in the zone may not be there in 10 or 15 years due to rising real estate prices. It was suggested the highway industrial zone should be changed to an Office, Research, Light Industrial Center or ORLIC zone, which would include industrial, office buildings, and research facilities. Planners wanted to touch base with stakeholders who previously tried to develop in the area.

There was also a discussion about developing lots near the golf course at Hamilton Boulevard and Krocks Road. The plan would be to put in a commercial use, possibly a restaurant. The planners said it would be zoned urban and discussed how parking would work.

The point was raised the minimum lot size in the semi-rural zone is 18,000 square feet. There were questions if the minimum lot size should be larger. Robert argued there is not a lot of space available in the zone. Planners wanted to look at buffers and try to put everything about buffers into a single zone.

There was a discussion about the ORLIC zone. Planners wanted to permit facilities owned by the township as a conditional use. An idea was suggested to limit the size of building footprints.

The ORLIC zone could be split into two zones, office and research and industrial. There was a discussion about how to attract more high tech industry businesses. Planners wondered why Air Products was not looking at Lower Macungie Township for its new location.

Air Products announced plans to build a new headquarters in Upper Macungie Township in July, according to media reports.

Planners talked about what high tech businesses are looking for. It was explained tech companies are looking for both office space and the flexibility of having larger research and design areas.

There was discussion about the outdoor storage of supplies. It was argued outdoor storage of supplies could detract value from the area. Supplies could be restricted to the rear of the building. There was a discussion about adding building material companies or showrooms for the zone.

The next Lower Macungie Township Planning Commission meeting will be Sept. 4. Usually the planning commission meets the second Tuesday of every month and occasionally there is a workshop meeting on the third Tuesday of the month. There will be a workshop meeting Sept. 18. Meetings begin 7 p.m. and are in the Lower Macungie Township Municipal Building. 3400 Brookside Road.