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Lowhill residents offer drivers some sweet treats

This is the message which accompanies the oversized candy treats in the current roadside display by Phil Rossetto and Greg Snider, along Route 100, just north of the Lowhill Township Building.

Rossetto and Snider used this theme previously in almost a decade of their wonderful creations and decided to elaborate on and bring back this message to offer some upbeat, sweet wishes to those who travel by in these somewhat troubled times in our nation.

Rosetto also said as August winds down, they begin to anticipate the demands of autumn and winter, which will soon be upon us.

So taste the sweetness of the last week of summer and indulge in some fun activities and treats.

All the decorations are composed of simple elements from the hardware store assembled by this very creative team.

The display is a labor of love for their community.

Rossetto and Snider delight in bringing joy with seasonal displays to lift the spirit and perhaps bring back some joyous memories to share with loved ones.

The display will continue until the end of August so there is still time to Indulge, Indulge, Indulge!

PRESS PHOTO BY ANNA GILGOFFThis roadside candy display along Route 100, just north of the Lowhill Township Building, was designed by Phil Rossetto and Greg Snider to bring a little happiness to passersby.