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Cementon/Egypt: Historical walk set for Aug. 25

Local historian Karen Gensey will be leading an informative walk through Egypt beginning 10 a.m. Aug. 25. Whitehall Historical Preservation Society is hosting the event.

Gensey will share her knowledge about the history of this Whitehall village, walking to key areas with participants.

The walk is free to society members. There is a small fee for nonmembers.

If interested, call 610-776-7280.


The Egypt Memorial Park organization will be holding a designer purse bingo 5 p.m. Sept. 29 at the park pavilion, 4548 Main St.

Doors will open 4 p.m. Only 200 tickets will be sold.

Call Lynn at 610-261-9058 for more information.

Photo courtesy of Jessica KrobothDuring this summer's Vacation Bible School at Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church, Egypt, children donated over 600 items for various organizations, such as Egypt Fire Company, Allentown Rescue Mission, Pathways Housing Services, Center for Animal Health and Welfare and Operation Christmas Child. They also donated more than $275 for Operation Kid to Kid, which