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Scout plans GaGa pit

Logan Dyer, a Boy Scout from Troop 87, Nazareth, who moved to this area a year ago, brought a model of the GaGa ball pit, a walled circle, he plans to make for his Eagle Scout project to the Aug. 7 Washington Township supervisors meeting.

He was told to proceed with the project and the board would determine a location.

Dyer’s preference is at Eagle’s Nest Park. He said it would provide one more option for recreation in the township.

He also noted the GaGa pit needs a minimum 20-foot by 20-foot area.

He has received funding from a GoFundMe crowd funding site, churches, friends and family.

Dyer, the son of Kenneth and Beth Dyer, explained that in GaGa ball, players are in the pit with a referee outside. Players may or may not be required to touch the wall to begin.

A ball is hit with the hand and a player may hit the ball only once in succession. Depending where a player is hit by the ball, he or she is out or remains in play.

There are other reasons for elimination. Sometimes players turn it into a team effort.

Dyer said there are several places, such as Bangor and Camp Trexler, that have GaGa ball pits.

In other matters. new regulations were revised at the Aug. 3 county emergency management meeting.

They will be forwarded to the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

After approval, the regulations return to the townships and municipalities where at least one must accept it by Oct. 10.

Washington Township’s version has not been changed except for flood mitigation rules.

Resident Ed Ziegler has been complaining about the state of the veterans monument at Emerald Fire Company for the past three meetings.

He told the board Chad Christman cleaned the monument, and he suggested supervisors send him a letter of thanks.

Slatedale Assistant Fire Chief Dwayne Kern asked the board if more money for fire companies can be included in budget planning. Supervisor Josh Friebolin said the request would be considered.