The 55th Annual Das Awkscht Fescht, one of the country’s largest antique and classic car shows, will take place Aug. 3 to 5 at Macungie Memorial Park. The featured car this year is the Packard. Gates open 6 a.m. for walk-ins and show cars enter after 7:30 a.m. The flea market remains open until dusk and craft vendors are open until 9 p.m. Musical entertainment continues until 10:30 p.m. Aug. 3 and 4 and until 3:45 p.m. Aug. 5. Fireworks will light up the sky 9:30 p.m. Aug. 4. For more information, go to
There will also be an outdoor “Toy Town” Aug. 4 in the parking areas of Shoemaker and Macungie elementary schools and an indoor toy show Aug. 4 in Eyer Middle School. Transportation to and from the park will be provided.
There will be a Mustang Club Show Aug. 12 at Macungie Memorial Park. There will also be a craft and vendor show by the gazebo.
Grace Lutheran Church will hold its Vacation Bible School “Shipwrecked” 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Aug. 13 to 17.
There will be a Wheels of Time Cruise Night 3 p.m. until dark Aug. 18 at Macungie Memorial Park. Cars can start arriving 2 p.m. Refreshments will be available.
The 40th Annual Wheels of Time Rod and Custom Jamboree will be held Aug. 24 to 26 at Macungie Memorial Park. The event helps support local charities and the scholarship program for local vo-tech automotive technology graduates. Over 1,500 custom cars and street rods from all over the east coast will be on display.
Special features this year include a guest appearance by Rachael De Barros from the All Girls Garage television show; a tribute to veterans; television show cars featuring the Bat Cycle, Batmobile and the Monkey Mobile; Bruce Larson with his Nitro funny cars; monster truck crushing cars; motorcycle jump each day by Doug Danger over monster trucks and carnival rides and games. Activities include a huge flea market, refreshments, bingo, a basket auction, a cakewalk, Chinese auctions and musical entertainment. There will also be kids activities such as crafts and games. Musical groups include Philadelphia Funk Authority and Flamin’ Dick and the Hot Rods. The show opens 7 a.m. each day until sundown. Musical entertainment continues until 10 p.m. Friday and Saturday.
The Friday Evening Cruise will begin 6:30 p.m. Aug. 24 from the Allen Organ parking lot and travel south through Macungie, down Buckeye Road to Emmaus, up Lower Macungie Road to Willow Lane and back to Route 100 and the park. For the full cruise route, go to
The Lower Lehigh Lions will hold a flea market and garage sale 8 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Sept. 8 at Macungie Memorial Park. The rain date is Sept. 9. To reserve a spot, call Ron at 610-966-3040 or go to
There will be an Allentown Dog Training Club Obedience and Rally Fun Match Sept. 9 at Macungie Memorial Park. For information, call 610-966-4289.
The next bus trips to Mohegan Sun at Pocono Downs are scheduled Aug. 20 and Sept. 17. Call the park at 610-966-4289 to reserve a seat. The Macungie Farmers Market will be open 4 to 7 p.m. every Thursday through October except Aug. 23. The market features local family farmers providing home grown food: fruits, vegetables, meat products, eggs, baked goods, plants and more. Parking is available at the park parking lot and along North Walnut Street.
Macungie Pool will be open noon to 8 p.m. through Aug. 26 weekdays and 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. on weekends. On weekdays there is Toddler Time 11 a.m. to noon. Pool visitors must park outside the park Aug. 4 to 6. Swim lessons are available. For information, call 610-966-5757 or go to
With warmer temperatures come the many outside events held from spring through fall at Macungie Memorial Park. Volunteers are needed to help with these events. If you are able to donate some time, call 610-966-4289 or email
Educational programs are offered through Kalmbach Institute. More information is available at
The Lower Lehigh Lions will meet 6 p.m. Aug. 14 for a joint picnic with the Mountainville Lions at the Oberholtzer Pavilion in Macungie Memorial Park. They will meet 6 p.m. Aug. 28 for a family picnic at Macungie Park.
Macungie Fire Company meets 7 p.m. Aug. 8 at the social quarters.
Macungie VFW Post 9264 meets 7 p.m. Aug. 13 at the post home on Lehigh Street.
The Ladies Auxiliary of Macungie VFW Post 9264 meets 1 p.m. Aug. 16 at the post home. Macungie Rod and Gun Club Board meets 7 p.m. Aug. 16 at the club.
Macungie Borough Council meets 7:30 p.m. Aug. 6 and 20 at borough hall, 21 Locust St., Macungie.
The Macungie Park Board of Directors meeting will be held downstairs 7 p.m. Aug. 28. The public is welcome.
Bingo is held weekly Saturday evenings at Macungie Memorial Park. Doors open 4:30 p.m. and games begin 6:30 p.m. For more information, call 610-966-4289.
Last year it was a bear; this year it was chipmunks at Boy Scout camp. I traveled up with Matt and Ben to check out their home away from home at Resica Falls. All the gear was dropped off in a central location – Matt’s camp chair landed right in a patch of poison ivy. The Scouts grabbed their belongings and claimed their tents and started setting up. Shortly afterward, the camp counselors came by to give them a tour of the campgrounds. We said our goodbyes and another mom and I headed out. Less than an hour later, I received a text from Matt saying that in the half hour they were on the tour chipmunks got into his bag and chewed a hole into a bag of food he had. He was on the lookout for more mischief from Chip and Dale for the rest of the week.
The copy deadline for the September column will be Aug. 30.