Alburtis Police Chief Robert Palmer asked Solicitor David Knerr about the procedure to hire police officers at the July 25 Alburtis Borough Council meeting.
Chief Palmer requested a list of eligible candidates from the Civil Service Commission as he has six applicants. Knerr advised him the civil service statute was changed about five years ago and Chief Palmer should have the required background checks completed before the investigations. Eligible applicants would be subject to results of the background check and the investigation and council approval.
Council President Ron DeIaco advised Chief Palmer to move forward with all six applicants. A motion was passed to ask the Civil Service Commission to give the borough a list of all eligible candidates.
In other business, resident Michael Gerhart raised his ongoing concerns about fireworks being set off in the borough. He brought an ordinance passed in Lancaster listing places where fireworks can and cannot be set off as an example for the borough. The ordinance states fireworks can be set off on a property if you have permission, Gerhart said. The city of Easton also passed an ordinance by copying the state law and doubled the fine. Gerhart also went to the state police website and got its applicable ordinance and produced a letter from State Rep. Ryan Mackenzie, R-134th, all of which he left for council to review, including a copy of Act 43.
“We cannot pass an ordinance,” Knerr said. “We cannot supersede state law.” Knerr said he would not recommend an ordinance as the question is whether it is legal and enforceable. Gerhart disagreed with Knerr referring to Mackenzie’s letter and the fact other ordinances have been passed. The discussion continued for about 20 minutes. Knerr insisted an ordinance was not going to be recommended for the borough.
“The state has occupied the field,” Knerr said.
“I just want to put something out there to give you guys some ideas,” Gerhart said.
Mayor Kathleen Palmer reported she attended the annual Pennsylvania State Mayors Association conference. What she found to be most interesting was a talk and demonstration showing how easy it is to hack into any computer system. Another hot topic at the conference was fireworks, as more money is being spent to monitor them. Also, sometime this year, radar for local police departments will be passed. She then called on Chief Palmer who advised council he was contacted by the Lansford Police Department with a request to purchase the old computers for $1,000. Council passed a motion granting permission to sell the old computers to the Lansford Police Department as requested.
Borough resident John Aleszczyk approached council about his concerns with one of the two drains on the ball field being covered, which will cause water on the field.
Borough Manager Sharon Trexler and Engineer Jeff Ott told Aleszczyk the drain is being relocated and an additional drain will be put in; however, the current weather pattern is hindering progress.
Ott requested authorization to submit the MS4 permit with the required pollutant reduction plan to the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection at the end of the month. Council passed a motion authorizing Ott to submit everything as requested.
Council reviewed with Ott and his transportation engineer three options for Franklin Street. Plan A has a cost of $875,000 with a 30 percent match with sidewalks. This plan would affect driveways, utility poles, fire hydrants and more. Plan B has a cost of $800,000 with a 30 percent match with curbing and many improvements. Plan C has a cost of $495,000 with a 30 percent match with curbing. Council passed a motion to go with Plan C for $495,000 with a 30 percent match.
Council passed a motion to adopt Resolution No. 2018-13 authorizing the borough manager to execute the documents and agreements between the borough and the Pennsylvania Commonwealth Financing Authority to assist in getting the multi-modal transportation fund grant.
Council adopted Ordinance No. 547 amending the police employees health reimbursement arrangements and amending Codified Ordinances 20A-403-20B-403, and 20C-403 so the reimbursement arrangements do not require final approval by borough council and will not be delayed because of council meeting schedules.
A motion was passed granting Trexler permission to order holiday decorations to fulfill the Main Street Lehigh Valley grant.
Maintenance Supervisor Donnie Derr was notified in a letter from 811 PA One Call System, Inc., based on the borough’s activity, the borough will receive a credit of $70.12 in its account for 2017.
Derr also reported the storm drain on Walnut Street has been finished and the box on Front Street will need to be replaced by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation.
Four of the rolling stop signs have been installed throughout the borough.
The juvenile crew worked four times and painted the curbs yellow throughout town.
In the next two weeks, Walnut Street will be milled.
There is trouble with the tank leveler at the reservoir and Derr is waiting for Kohl Bros. to repair it.
All of the manholes on Walnut Street have been replaced and the area was flushed and TV’d. During the rain, maintenance is opening every manhole and checking for infiltration.