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Third concert July 29


Pennsylvania Sinfonia Orchestra presents the third of its four “Valley Vivaldi” summer 2018 chamber ensemble concerts, 7 p.m. July 29, Wesley Church Bethlehem.

The program is: Antonio Vivaldi, Concerto for in D for Strings, RV 121; George Frederic Handel, Trio Sonata in G, HWV 399; Pietro Baldassare, Trumpet Sonata No. 1 in F; Francesco Geminiani, Violin Sonata in D, and Johann Sebastian Bach, Concerto in C minor for Violin and Oboe, BWV 1060.

Soloists are Sinfonia principal trumpeter Lawrence Wright, violinist Simon Maurer, Sinfonia concertmaster Mary Ogletree, and oboist Cheryl Bishkoff.

The Valley Vivaldi ensemble includes Rebecca Brown, violin; Agnès Maurer, viola; Noelle Grand, cello; Nancy Merriam, bass, and Allan Birney, harpsichord.

A reception with refreshments follows the concert.

Tickets: Wesley Church, 2540 Center St., Bethlehem; PASinfonia.org; 610 434-7811