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A Peep dream comes true

When the time comes for Bethlehem resident and Moravian College nursing instructor Michelle Sayenga to retire, she told her group of friends, who have nicknamed themselves “the breakfast club,” she wants to “retire into a job where people are happy to see me.” She told her friends about her desire to fulfill that need by driving the Just Born PeepMobile when she does retire, and friends Chris and Adrin Eline took over from there.

They contacted Ed Broczkowski at Just Born to iron out the details. Broczkowski, who is associate vice-president of company performance acceleration, also drives the PeepMobile. Schedules were checked for availability and recently the PeepMobile arrived at the Eline residence where “the breakfast club” had gathered. He came bearing gifts, all sorts of Just Born and Peeps products, for Sayenga.

Although Sayenga was not permitted to drive or ride in the PeepMobile because of insurance issues, she and her friends were allowed to sit in it and take photos, lots of photos, to document the experience.

“It was a really nice day hanging out with Ed,” Sayenga said. “It was a really cool thing, a really personal thing, and it was neat to share that with my friends. He was so patient with all of us.”

Peeps lover Sayenga also revealed she enjoys her Peeps stale and said she definitely opens the package when she buys them. She also had a Peeps tip and said she likes to put a Peep on top of a mug of hot chocolate.

It sounds like Sayenga has exactly the right qualifications to one day drive the PeepMobile and make people happy.

Photos courtesy of Steve NalevankoJust Born Associate Vice President of Company Performance Acceleration Ed Broczkowski delivers a gift pack of Just Born treats to Michelle Sayenga upon his arrival with the PeepMobile.