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Sally Toth retires after serving Tigers more than two decades

Education looked quite different in the 1990s when Sally Toth first began working for the Northwestern Lehigh School District, but she weathered every change, determined to help students flourish.

As coordinator of the learning lab, she was on the front line of the education process.

“In 1996, when the high school went to block scheduling, there was a need for the learning lab,” she explained.

Toth set up a room that would be a resource and where she administered classroom teachers’ instructions while meeting students’ needs.

This might have been a daunting organizational task, considering more than 40 teachers work at the high school but Toth was up to the challenge with her background in owning a business and working for the Department of Labor.

Textbooks in every subject and computers lined the learning lab.

Students reported to the room for a variety of reasons, including making up tests they missed due to absences, and working on projects and independent studies.

“In the past few years, an additional new position was added as the Individual Education Plan coordinator,” said Toth, who worked through two flex periods over the lunch time slot.

“At first, flex was only for special education students but it became open to the entire school,” she said.

Toth developed an eagle eye for catching cheaters and a sixth sense for students needing additional assistance.

Though Toth’s enthusiasm was nearly always apparent, it verged on bedlam during Spirit Week, and holidays.

“There is nothing like the community Tiger Spirit over the year at Northwestern,” she said.

With her oldest grandchild entering high school that is not likely to change for Toth.

A Tiger never loses her stripes.

And to prove it, Toth said she is looking forward to traveling, spending time with family and always cheering on the Tigers.”

PRESS PHOTO BY ANNA GILGOFFSally Toth established and manned the learning lab at Northwestern Lehigh High School for more than 20 years.