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Macungie police, at the July 16 Macungie Borough Council meeting, said they have been monitoring the Village Walk and West End Trail intersection for cars not stopping at stop signs. The police checked 65 cars and issued 12 tickets. The cost of the ticket is $142 along with points added to the drivers’ record.

Police also responded to a domestic abuse situation which ultimately resulted in a $50,000 steroid drug seizure.

The Macungie Fire Department submitted its certificate reports for June and training reports.

The Lehigh Valley Hazard Mitigation Plan was discussed. This report gives analysis for water, sewer, infrastructures, train and other potential hazards needed for grant approval.

The Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System plan was discussed as it needs to be reviewed annually. A portion of the plan includes public education and awareness. The community cleanup day is part of the plan and borough officials have been attending MS4 workshops – all in an effort to stop certain items from being deposited in street drains. Discussion continues to recruit more volunteers to assist with recycling ideas and other environmental activities.

Ongoing discussion about rental inspections continues. Council agreed rental inspections are to be conducted every five years.

The borough’s 2001 backhoe is being sold for $17,000. The large concrete planters are being sold for under $500 to a private citizen with no concern for conflict of interest due to the sale amount being under $500.

A payment of $40,860 to F.A. Rohrbach was approved for paving which is contingent upon some corrections.

Stone Hill Meadows requested an extension until the end of August and it was approved.

There is approval for Alburtis borough to utilize the paver and manpower from Macungie.