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Alburtis Borough Council met July 11 and Vice President Steve Hill chaired the meeting in the absence of President Ron DeIaco.

During public comment, resident Mike Gerhart spoke about the fireworks being set off on Independence Day. He talked about the noise, dirty fallout and damage the fireworks created for him and his neighbors and requested a noise ordinance be passed starting 10 p.m. and banning fireworks from being set off in the borough.

Resident Janelle Alfano agreed with Gerhart and added fireworks were being set off all week.

“It was like a war zone this year,” Councilperson Sherryann Oels said.

Solicitor David Knerr told council the borough has a noise ordinance but the state took over this issue when they passed an ordinance allowing fireworks and that preempts borough ordinances.

He asked if the police were called and Gerhart said they were but police did not stop the fireworks.

Alburtis Mayor Kathleen Palmer said she would speak with Chief Robert Palmer about what happened on July Fourth and should have some answers at the next meeting.

Councilperson Steve Kaufman suggested a mailer be sent prior to the holiday next year.

Hill said council would look into this and it would be discussed again at the next meeting.

“Go to your state representative now,” Knerr said.

The borough police contract for 2018-2021, Ordinance No. 546, including full-time salary increases of 3 percent plus $1,200 for the first year and 3 percent increases for the second, third and fourth years and including all benefits and insurance was adopted with Councilperson Vanessa Taggart voting no. Another motion was passed unanimously to change the way the Health Reimbursement Arrangement is reimbursed.

Meeting notes from Borough Engineer Jeffrey L. Ott, P.E., of Ott Consulting, showing the status of 15 projects being worked on in the borough were reviewed by council and motions passed on three projects.

A motion was passed giving Ott Consulting permission to do a gravity sewer study at the drainage area to the pump station in the borough. A motion was passed to pay Zgura $67,414.14 for concrete work done on Walnut Street. A motion was passed approving the scope of the multimodal work on Franklin Street.

The June Macungie Ambulance Corps report showed they responded to 286 calls. Eleven of the calls were in Alburtis borough.

EMS leaders throughout Pennsylvania went to the State Capitol in Harrisburg June 6 to support several legislative initiatives vital to the future of EMS in Pennsylvania.

Due to the large EMS turnout and support of many legislators, the state’s ambulance companies will get the first increase in Medicaid reimbursement since 2004.

The current rates are more than 200 percent below reimbursements provided by Medicare and commercial insurance. This is not the only issue at hand but was desperately needed and the Macungie Corps thanked the Ambulance Association of PA and others working on this for this vital increase.

Resolution No. 2019-12 was adopted unanimously to appoint Christina Kaufman to the planning commission to fill the vacancy created when Ronald DeIaco resigned. Kaufman will serve the remainder of DeIaco’s term expiring March 4, 2020.

Council passed a motion granting permission to Lower Macungie Township to use the borough’s fire police with the date not specified.

The air conditioning at borough hall is not working and needs to be repaired. Two estimates have been received – one for $15,500 the other for $17,400; however, one more estimate is being sought. Council passed a motion to have the repairs done by the lowest of the three bidders when the third bid is received.