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Whitehall library: Come explore fossils at Whitehall Township Public Library

Jolie Chylack, coordinator from Lehigh County Conservation District, will present Buckets of Nature: Fossils Rock 6 p.m. July 19.

Books aren’t the only things that tell stories; rocks do, too. Become an archaeologist and join us for a session of discovery as we explore many of nature’s fossils and go home with your very own fossil design.

This free program is open to all ages; kids and adults alike can learn and have fun.

The “Libraries Rock” theme continues throughout July for our library programs.


The fourth Tuesday adult coloring club will be held 11 a.m. July 24. Anyone 18 and older is welcome to join us.

The library has some supplies but invites you to bring your own as well.


Our What Are You Reading Now? book club meets 1 p.m. July 24.

Patrons are invited to chat about whatever books they are reading at the moment - the ones you loved, the ones you hated and everything in between.


Children are invited to the Color to Music program 2:30 p.m. July 24. We will have the coloring sheets and supplies.


Dawn Sellers, from Center of Vision Loss, will be at the library to do the following programs for a vision month in July. The following are free and open to all patrons.

The adult program will be about experiencing vision changes. Titled “What Now?! Insight Strategies,” it will be held 6 p.m. July 24.

Sellers will do a storytime for children 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. July 25.

There will be a program for teenagers titled “The Teen Seen - Both Eyes Open,” starting 2 p.m. July 25.

Discover differences between animal and human eyes, experience a vision loss simulation, learn about diseases and conditions, have fun with optical illusions and determine how well you can see.


There is still time for everyone to sign up for the summer reading program. We have programs for all ages from kids to adults.

Our theme this year is “Libraries Rock.” We will be rocking the library until Aug. 25 when we hold our Rock around the Block party.


Call the library at 610-432-4339 for more information on any of our programs. We have the newsletter and calendar on our website, whitehallpl.org, and copies at the front circulation desk.