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Binkley shares her love of poetry at L.V. Active Life

Lehigh Valley Active Life members and guests celebrated the last day of spring, June 20, with a poetry reading by poet Shirley Binkley of Allentown.

Some of the poems Binkley read were: “Life is a Gift,” “America’s in Distress,” “Adopted,” “A God Moment,” “My Rubber Ducky” and “What if it was Your Child.”

Binkley, who publishes her own poetry, has written 191 poems. Of these, 81 have been published.

Her first book of poems is titled “One Size Fits All: Poetry for Every Mood.”

Binkley is working on her next book.

She has a gift with words, which come out in rhymes.

Many of the poems she has written show her anger of what is happening in the world.

“Life is a gift and has an expiration date,” she said. “Why can’t we be kind to each other. We need to start loving again. We need to fly our flag again.”

She also writes songs and some of her poems have been published in the Parkland Press.

After the poetry reading, guests were invited for a dish of ice cream.

Not only was the ice cream a treat this last day of spring but Binkley’s readings were truly delightful.

PRESS PHOTOS BY ANITA HIRSCHShirley Binkley of Allentown, whose poetry “touches, inspires, moves, amuses and soothes the soul” held a poetry reading June 20 at Lehigh Valley Active Life, Allentown.