At the July 2 Macungie Borough Council meeting, the continuing problem with motorists driving through stop signs at Village Walk and West End Trail was discussed.
A temporary fix has been installed – a bright yellow sign stating motorists should drive like their kids live here.
Another option being considered is red flashing lights around the stop signs – at a cost of $4,300.
Residents were reminded that a rolling stop has a penalty of $135. The ongoing problem will be discussed with Macungie police and additional solutions are being considered.
In other business, the Miracle League of the Lehigh Valley has requested assistance with parking and traffic for a music and food truck event July 15.
There was a discussion on home businesses in the borough. Council said if there is no signage, no extra parking, no customer/patient vehicular or pedestrian traffic, there is no impact if a business is occurring in the home. However noise, vibrations, outside activities, parking issues and more than one vehicle are considered a problem and are subject to home occupation regulations. The borough will check with neighboring municipalities before a regulation is considered.
Regarding ordinances, parking at Village Walk needs further clarification before an ordinance can be passed.
The residential rental inspection ordinance will have an attached checklist; however, this list does not alleviate the normal code requirements and maintenance.
Mayor Ronald Conrad attended an event involving Purple Hearts at Bethany Church. The word “hero” was used frequently in regard to veterans who served in foreign wars. A sign was given to the borough for “combat warrior” parking.
Borough council discussed the impact of Emmaus backing out of the comprehensive plan after much work by all municipalities. Macungie Borough Manager Chris Boehm said she is concerned about the effects of this decision. Questions as to why this happened will be directed to Emmaus staff and Emmaus Borough Council.
The auction for the borough’s backhoe is in process. The bidding ends next week.
Due to unexpected sewer repairs, grant money for the streetscape project has run short. A payment of $30,000 must be made to the contractor. Approval for this payment was made and the payment will be made out of the streets and pavement section of the budget.
A paving estimate will be secured for the paving on South Church Street.
Main Street Commons, the land where Embassy Bank will be built, is on an indefinite time extension.
The next Macungie Borough Council meeting will be held 7:30 p.m. July 16 at the Macungie Institute.