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Pollinator exhibit on display at Nature Center

The Great Room at the Lehigh Gap Nature Center, Slatington, was filled with butterflies and bees, pollinators on photographs taken by Bonnie Pancoast and exhibited as a way of showing the importance of these small creatures in our lives.

They are displayed on the flowers they pollinate to create a colorful exhibit.

Pancoast is a Pennsylvania Master Naturalist who went through 55 hours of training in Bucks County.

The program is much like the Master Gardeners with hours of work expected to be donated following the class.

Her photography began as a hobby.

She had previously submitted photos to the Nature Center’s annual photograph contest. Anita Collins, president of the board of directors, saw her work and asked if she would like to photograph native bees.

Bees are high on the list of favorite animals Collins has studied for years.

She photographed them by the months when they were most active and then by the flowers they preferred. Collins helped her identify them.

The Northampton area woman did not know about the nature center until Kate Grand told her she should visit. Grand is a coordinator for community and wildlife and Pancoast was at the time a specialist in nature photography.

The photographs in the pollinator display led to a children’s class and the Pollination Festival, which included guided walks through the nature garden which has only plants native to the area. It is an educational exhibit.

“We want to encourage people to come to our garden,” said Pancoast.

Press photo by Elsa KerschnerBonnie Pancoast stands near the giant flower used to teach children about pollinators.