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Garden club awards scholarship to Parkland student

The Parkland Garden Club recently awarded its annual scholarships of $2,000 to Cole Connolly, and Habeeb Salau, who will be given his award at a later date.

The award was presented by Sue Weber, scholarship chairman.

Connolly, son of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Connolly, is a graduate of East Penn School District. He will attend Pennsylvania State University.

He will major in biological engineering and horticultural sciences.

A National Honors scholar, Connolly has been active in many environmental activities as well as attending the Pennsylvania School for Excellence in Agricultural Sciences.

Salau, a graduate of Parkland High School, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Tiamitu Salau.

He will attend Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he will major in chemical engineering and international studies with an emphasis on the environment and renewable energy.

He wants to work with developing countries in the future.

Salau is also a National Honors Scholar and president of that club at Parkland.

He is active in, and an officer in many clubs, as well as being a community volunteer and an outstanding athlete.

The Parkland Garden Club is tremendously proud of these two outstanding recipients.

PRESS PHOTOS COURTESY PARKLAND GARDEN CLUBRandy Wenhold, president; Sue Weber, scholarship chairman; both with the Parkland Garden Club, join Cole Connolly holding his scholarship award, and his mother, Sue Connolly, at the club's June 11 meeting.