Happy Fourth of July! I love fireworks and my husband humors me by taking me to South Bethlehem to watch their fireworks from SteelStacks. But there are several fireworks displays going on throughout the valley. Check local media to find the one most convenient for you.
Milford Park’s 91st summer program is in full swing. All concerts begin 7 p.m. On July 7, there will be a gospel concert by Damaris Carbaugh, former soloist with the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir. The July 14 concert will be presented by Sunnyside Gospel Blue Grass of Denver, Pa. On July 21, Instruments of Praise of Allentown will perform. All programs and services at Milford Park are open to everyone and will take place rain or shine. A free will offering will be taken at each program.
Milford Park is located on Routes 29 and 100 in Zionsville, 10 miles south of Allentown. For more information, call 610-966-4240. View the entire summer schedule at www.milfordpark.org.
The Upper Milford Historical Society will hold its summer picnic 6 p.m. July 26 at the Upper Milford Township building. This will be an evening of good food, fellowship and fun. Everyone is welcome.
There will be a rain barrel workshop July 23 at Emmaus Community Park in the pavilion next to the baseball concession stand, sponsored by the Joint Environmental Advisory Council. To register for the event and purchase supplies, go to the Upper Milford Township website. You may attend just to learn or join in creating a rain barrel to take home. There is a cost for the pre-drilled barrel and all the fittings.
The Vera Cruz Community Association meets 7:30 p.m. July 12 at the fire company. All are welcome. For information, contact Betsy Eltz at 610-965-8627.
The Western District Fire Company on Route 100 will serve breakfast 7:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. July 8. The August breakfast will be Aug. 5. For information on the breakfasts, call the fire company at 610-966-3541 or Carol Shade at 610-966-3902.
The Upper Milford Fire Company’s ladies auxiliary meets 7 p.m. the first Monday of the month. New members are always welcome.
The Ladies Auxiliary of Citizens Fire Company of Vera Cruz will meet 7:30 p.m. July 31 at the Vera Cruz Fire Department Social Hall.
Vera Cruz senior citizens meet 1 p.m. July 5 and 19 at the Vera Cruz Fire Company. All are welcome.
It’s not too soon to start thinking about the Lower Milford Township Fall Festival, which will be held Sept. 22. Volunteers and vendors are needed. If you would like to volunteer, call the township office at 610-967-4949. Vendors can find registration forms on the township website, by clicking on the fall festival.
Lower Milford Township supervisors will hold its regular meeting 7:30 p.m. July 19. There will also be a workshop meeting 7:30 p.m. July 5.
Other Lower Milford meetings are as follows; unless otherwise noted, they will begin 7:30 p.m. The planning commission usually meets the first Monday of the month, which was July 2, recreation and open space board, July 11; historical commission, July 10.
Upper Milford supervisors will meet 7 p.m. July 5 and July 19.
The Upper Milford Planning Commission will hold a workshop meeting 7:30 p.m. July 10 and its next regular meeting 7:30 p.m. July 30.
The recreation commission meets 7:30 p.m. July 16. The joint environmental advisory council will meet 7 p.m. July 23 in Upper Milford. The open space committee meets 7 p.m. July 11. The emergency services committee meets 7 p.m. July 18.
If you have news or information for this column, which runs the first Wednesday of every month, please call me at 610-838-8923 or email me at bruce.swan@rcn.com.