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Goodwill seeks new fire truck

Germansville Assistant Fire Chief Randy Metzger reported at the Lowhill supervisors’ June 7 meeting the fire department is looking to replace its 1991 Darley, which has a 1,500 gpm pumper, with a new KME aerial cap single-axle fire truck with a ladder on top and a pump.

Firefighters are looking for a more diverse truck as they cover bigger structures throughout Lowhill, Germansville and New Tripoli.

The new truck will cost around $737,000.

The board asked if they could look at a used truck,

Metzger said any used ones may already be 20 years old like the current one.

The department currently has $200,000 saved for this project, but is trying to obtain contributions from Lynn and Lowhill townships.

They also met with state Sen. Pat Browne, R-16th, and state Rep. Gary Day, R-187th, about any state funding available.

Following Metzger, Administrator Brian Carl gave his report.

He said Winchester Road will now be permanently closed and it is unknown when it will reopen.

Carl started to discuss the update on Bittner’s Corner Bridge but Lehigh County Executive Phil Armstrong, who was attending the meeting, provided the update.

Armstrong said a temporary bridge will be installed at Bittner’s Corner and the work is expected be done before winter.

Plans are underway for a permanent bridge.

The company that received the contract for the temporary bridge said U.S. steel needed to be used as part of the contract.

The temporary bridge, however, was being put in with foreign steel.

Whatever work was already done with foreign steel will have to be replaced with U.S. steel.

Roadmaster Joe Kalusky said the road crew did grass mowing, weed whacking, and they almost got done with the first round of mowing.

The crew will continue working on dirt roads and do any mowing or weed whacking that is necessary.

Under new business, the board discussed a paving bid from Lehigh Asphalt would be for all of Herber Road and would cost $87,091.

A necessary top coat would cost an additional $29,030 for a total of $116,122.

The board agreed the bid was over budget and it was denied.

Secretary Jill Seymour announced the Lehigh County Association of Township Officials will have it summer convention at the Schnecksville Fire Company on Aug. 3.

During public comment, Armstrong said as county executive he feels a responsibility to attend township meetings and to know what’s going on in the towns.

He apologized for not attending a Lowhill meeting previously.

Supervisors also discussed a sketch plan from Dean and Diane Schaller, which was originally denied.

Dean Schaller approached the board to discuss the plan for a driveway waiver request at 3716 Pine Tree Road, Orefield.

They originally submitted the plan to the planning commission, which was denied.

The first lot is 22.5 acres and the second lot is 5.2 acres across the street.

They originally wanted two separate driveways between the two lots, but supervisors said that would not work, so now they want to share a driveway.

The couple said they could have the driveway align perpendicular to the property line but supervisors said that will not work.

Instead of approving their waiver request, Chairman Rick Hughes stated the driveway needs to meet the township requirements and ordinances.