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Fullerton: VBS at St. John’s starts July 23

St. John’s United Church of Christ, 575 Grape St., will be holding Vacation Bible School 5:45-8 p.m. July 23-27.

The program, “Rolling River Rampage,” is for children in grades prekindergarten through sixth grade.

There will be games, crafts, science, music, snacks and Bible stories.

You can register your child online at tinyrurl.com/SJVBS2018.


St. Elizabeth of Hungary Roman Catholic Church, 618 Fullerton Ave., is now holding pre-K registration for the 2018-19 school year.

There are three seats left for the 4-year-old class and openings for the 3-year-old class.

Contact the school at 610-264-0143 for more information or to reserve your child’s place.


St. Elizabeth’s reminds all that the next collection for the ecumenical food bank is July 15.

If you can, please bring nonperishable food to the church foyer. Cereal, macaroni and cheese, peanut butter, beans and rice are always a big hit.


There will be no membership meeting in July for St. Elizabeth’s Golden Agers.

The next membership meeting will be 12:30 p.m. Aug. 3 in the parish social hall.


My email address is lhahn775@verizon.net if there is any information you would like published in this column. My next column will appear in The Press July 19; therefore, I need any information by July 13.

Thanks for your cooperation, and have a great week.

Press photo by Al ReckerMelissa Mendioluna, Jaelahni Quinones, Elianna Simonson, Haue Holdeman, Julian Quinones, Janiya Powell, Maya Williams and Madison Musselman have some fun during St. John's United Church of Christ's annual Celebrate Community event, held June 3 at the Grape Street church.