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First responders with the Emmaus Ambulance Corps marked National Emergency Medical Services Week with an open house and blood drive recently at the Sixth Street station house in Emmaus.

Ambulance Chief Jeff Hoffman said about 200 area residents attended the open house, toured the station and ambulances and learned more about the corps’ emergency response activities.

A Miller-Keystone Blood Center bloodmobile was on hand for blood donors and collected 20 pints of blood, well above the goal of 15 units.

Fifty-five home-training CPR kits were provided to visitors who wanted to use the devices at home to provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation training for family members.

The landing of a MedEvac helicopter and a demonstration of the air ambulance provided an exciting highlight for those attending.

National EMS Week is presented by the American College of Emergency Physicians in partnership with the National Association of EMTs.

PRESS PHOTOS BY JIM MARSHAbout 200 area residents attend a community open house at the Emmaus Ambulance Corps' Sixth Street station, Emmaus, recently.