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At the June 27 Alburtis Borough Council meeting, Borough Engineer Jeff Ott, president of Ott Consulting, Inc., Emmaus, reviewed bids received for the 2018 Sanitary Sewer Clean and Televise/Manhole Rehabilitation Project.

Sewer Specialty Services Co., Inc. bid $375,075, Standard Pipe Services, LLC bid $292,600 and Mobile Dredging Video Pipe, Inc. bid $373,539.

Ott recommended Standard Pipe Services, LLC be awarded the bid. The $300,000 grant plus a 15 percent match will more than cover the cost. Council passed a motion awarding the contract to Standard Pipe Services, LLC., contingent upon qualifications being met.

Ott also suggested the borough think about the roads to have paved and projects needing repair as this is only 10 percent of the work that needs to be done in the borough.

Military warriors who have been wounded in combat and awarded a Purple Heart will have premium parking privileges in the borough of Alburtis, according to Mayor Kathleen Palmer. She showed council one of the parking signs from the Purple Heart Fund to be posted around the borough.

“It’s not for handicapped, just wounded warriors,” Mayor Palmer said.

Borough Manager Sharon Trexler advised council, Macungie is now outsourcing their paving. They are keeping their paver for small jobs but it is not clear if they will allow the borough to use the paver as they did in the past. Council President, Ron DeIaco thought it would be good if they do, as renting a paver will be costly. He also advised council, the borough is down to one mower and the sink hole on the basketball court has been filled with rocks.

Trexler asked council if the money budgeted for fire department training can be used for the training area instead. Lower Macungie is now paying the training cost. A motion was passed to allow the fire department to use the budgeted cost of training for the training area.

Police Chief Robert Palmer requested $1,000 for the department’s Luau and Pig Roast July 14 and the National Night Out celebration to be held at a date yet to be determined in August. Council approved his request by passing a motion.

Council passed a motion adopting Resolution No. 2018-11, appointing Eric Derr to the Alburtis Civil Service Commission.

A motion was passed to approve $3,300 be allocated for the church pavement and paver repair.

Maintenance Supervisor Donnie Derr reported the juvenile crew is painting the curbs yellow throughout town. Maintenance read the water meters for the first quarter, the playground areas have been re-mulched, two more storm boxes need to be installed and work continues on the lower part of the storm drain project.

PRESS PHOTO BY LORETTA FENSTERMACHERMayor Kathleen Palmer shows the new Purple Heart parking signs to be displayed at various places throughout the borough so wounded warriors have premium parking privileges. “It's not for handicapped, just wounded warriors,” Mayor Palmer said.