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Northwestern Lehigh bids farewell to Superintendent Mary Anne Wright

The beginning of the June 20 Northwestern Lehigh School Board meeting was a matter of saying “goodbye” to Superintendent Dr. Mary Anne Wright.

This was her last school board meeting and, the end of June will be her last on the job.

Assistant Superintendent Jennifer Holman has been chosen to fill the superintendent position.

Resident Donna Smith addressed Wright during the public comment portion of the meeting.

“We appreciate the positive direction you took the school and that you were approachable,” Smith said.

DJ Wolbert, president of the Northwestern Lehigh Education Foundation, presented a foundation check to the district for $177,366, the second highest annual amount.

Chromebooks will be purchased, with a portion of the money, for full-day kindergarten, which begins in the fall.

Wolbert said the mini grants are getting to the point where teachers are not requesting enough to use the available money and more mini grants can be funded.

“Thank you, Dr. Wright,” Wolbert concluded.

Wright said Leann Stitzel will continue as liaison with the foundation to help purchase items the district cannot afford.

“Keep coming up with great ideas,” Wright said. “Thank you.”

State Rep. Gary Day, R-187th, said he was really excited for Wright.

“Our school is in great hands,” Day said. “Many people are offering congratulations. My children went through this district.

“You meet many people through education but there was never anyone like you. You were expert in dealing with the public.

“You were not only a great superintendent but trained others to work with people in their jobs. People would ask me, ‘Have you met her?’

“She went to Salisbury School District, which was my alma mater. This board was smart enough to bring her back and things have changed.”

Day presented Wright with a citation from the state House.

Wright, who worked in the education field for 32 years, earned a Master’s degree from Lehigh University in human development and her superintendent’s certification from Marywood College.

Board President Bill Dellicker gave recognition to Wright on behalf of the school board.

“Tonight seemed to sneak up on us,” Dellicker said. “There were sincere and emotional times these last weeks.

“You’ve always wanted the best for students and brought together a talented administrative staff.

“You spent 27 years at Northwestern Lehigh as teacher, principal, assistant superintendent and then superintendent. An effective work environment with insight and expertise was provided.

“Mary Anne Wright, thank you from the school community. The last six weeks have been a celebration with lots of hugs and kisses. He presented a citation from the board.”

Dr. Mary Anne Wright cuts a celebratory cake in the lobby during a break in the board meeting. The cake said “Happy retirement, Dr. Wright.”