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Hawk Mt. Arts Tour welcomes visitors to various studios

Like moths to a flame, area residents and longtime friends were drawn to Gene Allen’s Thistletop studio in Kempton, where his most recent canvasses were displayed alongside Jeanne Stock’ pastel paintings.

An opening reception attracted a large crowd who came out on a sultry June evening to view and buy works done by the two local artists.

“I’m over the moon,” Stock said about the turnout.

Apparently, so were the guests appreciating the canvasses capturing local landscapes and familiar items seen in a new light.

“We just work well together,” Stock added.

The delighted artists mingled with the crowd, discussing their work and the goal of preserving well-loved scenes and items in a fast-paced world.

“I try to preserve the ever changing countryside,” Allen said.

Stock and Allen also showed their canvasses at a Werleys Corner event last November.

The two neighbors were showing their work as part of the 13th annual Hawk Mountain Arts Tour, which featured local talent displaying items in their home studios or host locations.

Visitors were invited to take a leisurely, self-guided driving tour winding through Albany Township for about 25 miles or so, stopping to visit with a variety of artists and artisans.

Gene Allen chats about his work with Mary and Jim Warfel at the recent Hawk Mountain Art display. Some of Jeanne Stock's pastels were displayed along the antique mantel lining one side of the studio.PRESS PHOTO BY ANNA GILGOFF