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Fire company seeks decision

Fire Chief Jay Scheffler and Randy Metzger of the Germansville Fire Company attended the July meeting of Lynn supervisors to ask whether the board had made any decision on Germansville’s plan to buy a new ladder truck.

At a previous meeting, they were seeking a commitment on funding for the apparatus.

They would like a pledge of $8,000 per year for several years.

Supervisor Steve Feinour said the board could only do so much due to budget constraints.

They had allotted money for the New Tripoli Fire Company project. He also noted research must be done to study the feasibility of acquiring a ladder truck.

There is currently $250,000 in the state budget for grants.

Lynnport Fire Company reported two calls for the month bringing the yearly total to 23.

Tim Van Blargen noted the state is setting up a numbering system of distance markers for emergency purposes around Leaser Lake.

These markers will be placed every half mile completely around the lake.

New Tripoli Fire Company received 95 calls for the year.

Fire Chief Peter Christ told the board the old building had been torn down and the new one would be started soon.

He thanked everyone who donated their time to the fire company, especially Stanley German and Ed Snyder.

Tickets are still available for the Guns and Cash drawing.

Roadmaster Bruce Raber reported the road crew finished several paving projects, did cold patching, did some oiling and chipping, worked at New Tripoli Fire Company, fixed and replaced road signs, worked on the dirt roads and dug the new entrance to the park. It is ready for paving.

July will bring more oiling and chipping in Weisenberg and Heidelberg Township where the road crew will be assisting.

Jarrett White was hired to help on the township’s road crew.

Donald Christ, representing the Veterans Memorial Committee, approached the board about having a memorial erected in the park honoring war veterans.

Committee members are Christ, Dave Keller, Bill Dellicker and Harold Handwerk.

The committee visited Palmerton to examine its memorial. This could be a Northwestern student’s project and the veterans would be from the four township area.

Feinour opined the memorial should be for all those that served, not just war veterans.

The board discussed going back to the Revolutionary War or further for veterans.

A letter will be sent from the Lynn Township on the matter seeking opinions on the subject and whether the other townships would like to participate.

Secretary Tammy White will handle this matter.

The memorial could be near the entrance close to the eternal flame.

Engineer Chris Noll reported he could have the ordinance amendments ready by next meeting. He had met with officials from White Deer Run and they stated that they would cooperate to remedy the neighbor’s complaints.

White stated that the 10th annual car and motorcycle show will take place 1-4 p.m. July 8 at Ontelaunee Park. The Large Flowerheads will perform 2-5 p.m. Sept. 30.