ALLENTOWN YOUTH SOCCER CLUB, Allentown, has volunteer opportunities including coach/assistant coach, team manager, registration assistants and administrative (sort copies and deliver flyers). Open board positions include registrar – collect/manage player data, communicate with coaches; travel league representative and recreational league representative – attend quarterly league meetings and report back to board and coaches. Call Louis Holzman at 610-674-2870 or email louisholzmannutrition@gmail.com.
ARTSQUEST, Bethlehem, is excited to celebrate its 35th anniversary of Musikfest, a volunteer-driven festival benefiting the Lehigh Valley and surrounding communities. Positions for volunteers include: soda booth, beer servers, ticket booth assistants, retail assistants, set up/tear down, and more. Sign up at www.artsquest.org/volunteer.
FLINT HILL FARM EDUCATIONAL CENTER, INC., Coopersburg, is looking for a camp counselor in training (age 16+) to work weekdays 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Volunteers (age 14+) are needed for Saturday work team 7:30 a.m. to noon. Training will be provided. Call Kathleen Fields at 610-838-2928 or email Kathy@flinthill-farm.org.
LEHIGH VALLEY ZOO, Schnecksville, has plenty of volunteer opportunities for youth (age 13+). Typical shift is 9:45 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Examples of tasks include: kangaroo walkabout, giraffe feeding deck, goats and barnyard, penguin bracelets, assorted games/crafts/activities and more. Join the Lehigh Valley Zoo Volunteer Group on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/lvzoovolunteers/. For more information, call Julia Bieski at 610-799-4171, ext. 248 or email jbieski@lvzoo.org.
MORAVIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY, Nazareth, is looking for several high school students to assist with Hands-On-History Camp 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. for kids ages eight to 12 scheduled June 18 to 22 and June 25 to 29 to set up/clean up each day and help group leaders with activities. Volunteers should be able to attend either one or both full weeks. Volunteers 18 years of age and older are required to obtain background checks. Contact info@moravianhistoricalsociety.org and include a short paragraph about why you are interested in this opportunity.
PHOEBE NURSING HOME, Allentown, has a summer junior volunteer program which enables youth (age 13+) to earn community service hours while helping residents at summer picnics, outdoor walks, manicures, bingo, games, music and more. Opportunities span days (9 a.m. to 5 p.m.), evenings and weekends. The training date is 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. June 19. Call Joan Wickel at 610-794-5364 or email jwickel@phoebe.org.
THE SALVATION ARMY CHILDREN’S SERVICES, Allentown, is looking for a small group of volunteers to help prep paper files to be digitized. Ideally group would be four to six people who are accurate at tracking names and precise at lining up papers. This could be an ongoing project, maybe one day a week for two to three hours for a month or two. Supervision and instructions will be provided. Call Jessica Jacobs at 484-705-1500 or email Jessica.Jacobs@USE.SalvationArmy.org.
VOLUNTEER CENTER OF THE LEHIGH VALLEY, Bethlehem, United Way Day of Caring volunteers will receive T-shirts to wear while they are volunteering June 21. Four volunteers are needed to report to the Cancer Support Community location in Allentown to sort and organize Day of Caring T-shirts 9 a.m. to noon June 11, 12 or 13. Call Sandie Kelly at 610-807-0336 or email skelly@volunteerlv.org.
Contact the Volunteer Center to receive a directory listing agencies in need of volunteers at 610-807-0336 or email vc@volunteerlv.org. Visit the website www.volunteerlv.org for a larger listing of volunteer opportunities.