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Missionary Moyer discusses his mission in Panama

The service at New Life Lutheran Church began with a presentation by the bell choir.

Bill Dellicker was worship leader on April 29 as the church awaits a new pastor. The bishop is coming to help with the call, and Pastor Peggy Wuertele, a member of the Lutheran Synod, was a member of the congregation on that day.

A mission team from the church is going to Texas May 20-26 to help clean up after the summer’s hurricane.

The service also took place on the seventh anniversary of the date church member Bob Moyer went to Comarca, Panama, to serve as a missionary.

Moyer was at the service to discuss his work in Panama.

He told the congregation, that since he was 10 years old, the church was his “boat of safety.”

But God told him, “Step out of the boat,” Moyer explained.

Moyer said he held a job for 20 years but by 2011 he stepped out of a safe life.

“It was 3 degrees here when I got on a plane and 90 degrees in Panama,” Moyer said. “I had stepped out of the boat and trusted Him.”

He chose to go to Panama because a couple from the church had family there.

A river rose and destroyed their house, Moyer said, adding he visited the family.

“It was God guiding me,” he said.

When he arrived in Panama, there was protest by the indigenous Indians who worked the mines.

They closed the highway and there was no other route to where he needed to go.

The protest continued for four days and people were running out of food.

“But If you trust the Bible, don’t worry,” he explained

Moyer continued with his mission and continued to not worry.

“Submit yourself to God. We need to wear the white flag of surrender. If you follow him he will save your life,” Moyer explained.

Moyer said he carried a heavy wooden cross 120 kilometers into the mountain but Panamanian people helped him.

“People should pick up the cross every day,” Moyer said. “We give up. We surrender to a God who is loving.

“Do not judge. Who are you to judge your neighbor.”

Moyer read the Bible several times before the message sank in,” he explained. “It’s awesome and I just have to keep on reading.

“Jesus is with you always - just reach out.

“I had to be bold when I came to the airport.

“Others were talking and seemed to be expecting financial advice. If something is more important than God you will fail. If I left the airport without saying anything I’d have been unhappy with myself. Be a cheerful giver. I give every day.

“I hope the next seven years are as rewarding,” Moyer said. “As water reflects your face let it reflect your heart.”

The bell choir opened the service at New Life Lutheran Church.